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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

#Review - Snow Deer and Cocoa Cheer by Joanne DeMaio

Are you looking for the perfect book to curl up with and enjoy that hot cup of cocoa? I have the perfect book for you and I just know you are going to enjoy it. Snow Deer and Cocoa Cheer by Joanne DeMaio is an awesome winter time read to just relax and forget about the cold outside.

Joanne DeMaio is one of my favorite authors that takes me away while I read her books. She does such a fabulous job with description that she always takes me on a little vacation each time I read one of her books. I felt the warm welcome of the small town, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and became completely engrossed in the story of Jane March and Wes Davis.

Jane March is in a bit of a lull. She just can't seem to get that spark of creation she needs for her job making greeting cards.  Not only is she dealing with a creative drought she has a broken arm that she is dealing with. I instantly found a bond with Jane.  Her Mom sends her on a little journey around town on her I Insist list that I just loved. I could visualize each and every stop on the I Insist List and enjoyed each item on the list as much as Jane and Wes. 

Wes Davis has had it with small town life. He's going through an emotional time and doesn't want all those sympathetic looks and the "How are you doing?" questions. His fiancee has left him almost at the alter and in a small town everyone knows. I loved that Wes is a mailman and everyone and anyone knows him and when and where he is going to be at. It's just one of those things that gives you the extra small town feel.

I loved how Jane ask Wes for help to get to the places on her I Insist List. As they visit and discover each little fabulous wonder of Winter they get to know each other better and a deeper relationship that neither is expecting forms. 

The characters are incredible and I loved that I was given the chance to catch up with some old friends to see how life had been for them. Ms. DeMaio's stories always leave me with the feeling that I just made a couple of new friends on the wonderful vacation that she takes me on with her words. 

I love this lady's work. She's very talented and write a tremendous story any time of the year. Her Christmas stories are just as special as her summer beach stories. Once again Ms. DeMaio has written a fabulous story that held me captivated, left my heart filled with joy, and my soul filled with the spirit of the holidays and love. 

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Addison. I loved watching Jane and Wes develop a new relationship and help each other heal from both physical and emotional issues. Joanne DeMaio knows how to write a lovely story that holds my attention from the first page all the way to very end. Then I'm left waiting for her next release with anxious anticipation. I can't wait to see what wonderful story she has in store for us lucky readers next. I know it'll be a great one.

I have to mention Jane's Cards. They are so well described that I wanted to run out and buy her cards to send out for Christmas. They sound beautiful. 

I also must mention the cover. I love when the cover is so enticing it makes you want to grab the book and dig in. Then when you dig in and the story is just as fabulous as you thought it was going to. Oh those are the things that make this reviewer a happy lady. 

I was given the opportunity to read this fabulous story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Snow Deer and Cocoa Cheer.

You may find more of my reviews on Joanne DeMaio's work here.

Amazon Buy Link

 Snowflakes and Coffee Cakes Buy Link

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