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Thursday, March 24, 2016

#Review - Days Made of Glass by Laura Drake

Are you looking for the perfect book to really touch your heart? Do you enjoy women's literature stories with strong heroines that are slightly broken but a lot tougher than life gives them credit for? I have a perfect book for you then. Hurry, grab a copy Made of Glass by Laura Drake, don't forget the Kleenex box and settle in for a wonderful read.
Laura Drake became a favorite author of mine with my very first taste of her work. This lady can write a story to make you cry, smile, and all the emotions in between and leave you with that wonderful feeling at the end. OK, it might also leave you wanting to read more of her work because she is just that awesome!

Harlie Cooper is the awesome big sister that will do anything and everything to keep her little sister Angel safe. They have been through so many horrible tragedies  in their young lives. My heart really went out to these two and I found an instant connection that me pulling for Harlie and cheering her on.

I think some of my favorite scenes in this book are when Harlie is going through Bull Fighting school. She is the lone girl in a world filled with testosterone in overdose. I had to admire her for her strength to fight on even when she was ready to give. She is so use to not having any family or friends to depend on that it's a new thing for her watching everyone bond.

I don't want to tell you too much because I want you to grab Days Made of Glass for yourself and enjoy the whole story as you go. I will tell you that the aspect of being made of glass and that we are breakable really hit home with me. I read this fabulous story at a really rough time in my life and Laura Drake's story honestly helped me to cope with a very trying ordeal and even helped me to find the strength to keep going, to keep trying, and to keep the hope that everything would be better. 

Overall I don't know if this review can possibly do this wonderful book justice. It's an incredible story with characters that broke my heart and made me smile. It is a classic example of Laura Drake's work written to touch your heart and soul in the style that only she can create. 

I was given the opportunity to read this fabulous book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Days Made of Glass. 

You may find more of my reviews on Laura Drake's books here

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