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Friday, March 25, 2016

#ReleaseDay #SpotLight - Sunk by Lies: The Adventures of Ms. Fortune By Jess Erin

Sunk by Lies: 
The Adventures of Ms. Fortune
By Jess Erin

Emma Fortune never imagined that she would be hired on for a second “marketing” job for the Egyptian Museum’s Department of Antiquities; especially after how she behaved at the unveiling of Queen Hetephere’s mummy that her team had “found.” Traveling to Alexandria was a bonus, since it meant that she and her ornery camel, Lumpy, would be spending less time together. The problem was that she and her team were assigned with “finding” Cleopatra’s sunken palace in the Portus Mangus. Not an easy task in the murky water even with the most modern technology 1920 has to offer! Enter in Emmett Ferguson, renowned Loch Ness Monster Hunter and Emma’s serious crush. As things heat up between Emma and Emmett, much to Dash’s dismay, their mission is almost ruined by the Spiritualism craze that has surrounded the publicity of their mission. Can Emma, Emmett, Dash, Amira, Alistair, Ali, Khalid, and the new hotelier, Randall, save their “discovery” of Cleopatra’s Palace or will they be sunk by lies? 

If you’re looking for a humorous, lighthearted novel with romance and real history thrown in, then this book is for you! Be sure to check out the Historical Afterward at the end! 

The Adventures of Ms. Fortune Series: 
1) Wrapped Up in Lies (Amazon Buy Link)
2) Sunk by Lies (Amazon Buy Link)

I had the chance to interview Jess Erin Check out that interview here

1 comment:

  1. Just bought wrapped up in lies because of this post. I am so into books like this. Can't wait to read it. Happy Easter---Rae
