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Monday, August 15, 2016

#Review - Hard Rules: A Dirty Money Novel by Lisa Renee Jones

Hard Rules is the first book I have had a chance to read by Lisa Renee Jones. WOW! I have to say I was impressed. She captured my attention quickly, had me completely engrossed from the beginning to the end. There is a cliffhanger ending and now I can not wait to get my hands on the next book? 

Ms. Jones has a talented from writing a very riveting story line with unique characters. I really liked Emily right away. She has secrets that have not been revealed completely yet. I have to say I am anxious to see what exactly is going on with her life. She's a nice girl that has a past that I fear may catch up with her and become dangerous. 

I really liked Shane. He is charming, handsome, incredibly smart, and has a LOT on his plate.  He's trying to turn his family company into something that is legit but at every turn his wicked brother has a new plan to derail Shane's plans. 

Shane's family is in complete chaos. I can't quite decide who may or may not be on his side. I liked that he does have two close friends that he knows he can count on and they are always there for him. With all he has going on he needs to know someone has his back. 

Shane and Emily had instant chemistry together. Their attraction was strong and intense. Tempers flare when they meet each other very unexpectedly the next day after their one night stand. These two are intense in the bedroom and out. 

Overall I really liked Hard Rules. It is certainly a captivating story full of suspense, mystery, intrigue, and some really hot and steamy scenes. I can not wait to read more! Be fore warned there is a cliffhanger though that left my jaw hanging. 

I was given the opportunity to read this great story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Hard Rules. 

Amazon Buy Link 

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