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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

#GiveAway - LOST REPUTATION By Kimberly Ann Miller

By Kimberly Ann Miller

Interview with  Kimberly Ann Miller:

Crystal: Today I am so thrilled to host Kimberly Ann Miller. Welcome Kimberly! Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?

Kimberly: Sure!  I write MG, YA, and NA fiction. I live near the Jersey Shore and am a born and raised Jersey girl. I have Bachelor's degrees from Georgian Court University and Rutgers University and a Master's degree from The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. I love traveling, snorkeling, stargazing, reading, and cats!

Crystal: What are you currently working on?

Kimberly: I have a few manuscripts looking for homes in the MG, YA, and NA age groups; some fantasy, some contemporary, and all with a splash of romance.

Crystal:  Where did you come up with the idea for either your current release or the WIP you are working on now? 

Kimberly: I tend to be a suspicious person and see scandals in everyday life. I thought it would be fun to put those scandals in a high school with a curious girl who loves to break a juicy news story as well as fool around with conspiracy theories.

Crystal: Do you have a favorite snack that like to munch on while writing? If so would you mind sharing what it is with us?

Kimberly: I like to walk to Starbucks and get a tall hot chai with a piece of banana bread or a pumpkin muffin. They get me started and put me in the mood to write.

Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?

Kimberly: My favorite scene is when Vic has to rescue Casey. I don’t want to spoil it, but it was a fun scene to write!

Crystal: When you are not busy writing wonderful stories to keep us lucky readers entertained, what do you like to do? Do you have a hobby? 

Kimberly: I read, of course! I mostly read YA but occasionally read true crime, paranormal romance, thrillers, and nonfiction. I also love taking walks, going out to eat, spending time with family and friends, and traveling.

Crystal:  Do you have a favorite background noise you like to have going while you write (TV, Music, kids playing)?

Kimberly: I sure do – I love writing on my back porch, listening to the birds at the feeder. It’s so relaxing.

Crystal: Thank you for visiting today. It has been a pleasure to visit with you. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

Kimberly: Thank you for having me! I love to hear from readers, so please don’t be shy and come visit me on Facebook or Twitter. As a reader myself, there’s not much better than talking about books!

About the Book:

Casey Hayes has a secret—she writesthe conspiracy theory column for her high school newspaper. As the editor, she thrives on the thrill of uncovering the facts—until she gets tangled up in a scandal.

When she exposes a teacher’s shameful secret, threats start, demanding she stop spreading the vicious rumors. Casey blows it off and keeps on writing. Even sexy Victor Cruz, the hot senior with

the adorable accent who chases after Casey and tries to protect her, fails to convince her to keep her mouth shut. But things only get worse as she ignores the warnings, and soon, Casey must decide if exposing the truth is more important to her than her life.

Romance/Contemporary/Suspense/Young Adult
Evernight Teen Publishing/237 pages

Buy Links:  
Evernight Teen |  Amazon | ARe    


I laughed at the memory as I locked

up the newsroom and rushed to my next class. I still had a smile on my face as

I plopped down on my seat in the back row of calculus. Victor Cruz, my secret

crush, entered the room. My pulse reacted to his presence, but, thank God, no
other part of me did that he could see. I didn’t want to be lusting after
anyone this year because I was planning on working hard toward my college goals
and didn’t need the distraction.

The worst thing was, Charli told me

he gave his ex-girlfriend some rash because he cheated on her. I so did

not do the sexually transmitted diseases thing, and I definitely had zerorespect

for cheaters. Not even for a hunk like him, who obviously screwed around and
didn’t care if he got girls sick.

But damn, did this guy make my

insides quiver. He was totally hot. His parents moved to New Jersey

from Spain during middle school when Vic was scrawny and didn’t speak much

English. When senior year started a month ago, no one recognized him because
he’d grown ten inches, gained fifty pounds—of muscle—and must have taken some
classes in style because, damn, the boy knew how to dress to show off his

Loose jeans with a belt, black boots,

and a black, long-sleeved tee only made him sexier. And the way he walked? It

should’ve been a crime. He had a swagger about him that rivaled any of the good

old boys of Hollywood. Watching it made me quiver in places I didn’t know could

But it wasn’t just his looks that

held me captive. He had the values of an old-fashioned guy—holding the door

open for girls, helping them with heavy stuff, defending them when guys were

too rough or mean.

If it wasn’t for that wild partying

side of him … sigh.

As he approached his seat, I couldn’t

help but stare at his thighs, mesmerized by the fluid sway they made with each


He caught me staring and raised a

thick black brow. I diverted my eyes and pretended to be very interested in the

junior’s notebook next to me. But I didn’t even know his name. Ugh.

Vic slid into his seat next to me and

winked at the girls that were staring at him.
They always stared at him.

I rolled my eyes. But when I felt his

eyes on me, I shifted in my seat, fighting the funny tingle in my stomach that

came from looking at him.

The other problem was, besides being

a distraction, Vic knew how sexy he’d become. He acted so cocky and confident,

I wanted to smack the grin off his face and remind him that not long ago, he

could have passed for a ten-year-old boy who couldn’t speak English or speak to

But, whatever. He had a harem now, so

good for him. And shiny black hair, smooth, bronze skin, and deep brown eyes

that … never mind. Didn’t matter anyway.

Kylie sauntered over to him, swaying

her hips so hard, I wondered how they didn’t dislocate. She leaned over his

back and wrapped her arms around his ample shoulders, pressing her boobs into

his back. I’m sure he loved that. “Hey, Vic. Busy this weekend? My parents are
out of town, and we can go riding if you want. I’ll pack us a lunch.” She ran
her fingernails over his chest as she spoke, clearly enjoying the feel of him.

He pulled her fingers off him and

slipped out of her grasp. “Sorry, I’m busy, but thanks for asking.”

She leaned into him again, making

sure to press her boobs into his neck. I rolled my eyes so hard, they almost

didn’t return to face front. That would suck. What would I tell the nurse? I

was looking at my brain instead of in front of me and I needed an eye
“Maybe another time, okay?”
Vic nodded once. “Si.”

I pulled out my phone to check

messages, done with listening to the vixen and her attempts at charming the

hottest guy in school.

“Hey, Casey,” he said in his sexy

Spanish accent. He had this way of dragging out the end of my name, making it

sound like Kay Seee.

It was both unsettling and adorable,

so I just grunted at him. How else could I get anything done with him around?

About the Author:

Kimberly Ann Miller received Bachelor's degrees from Georgian Court University and Rutgers University and a

Master's degree from The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.  She is an avid reader and particularly enjoys true crime and young adult novels.  She grew up in New Jersey and currently resides in Monmouth County with her husband and cats. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel to sunny islands where she snorkels by day and stargazes by night. She always takes her Nook with her.

* * * * *

Giveaway:  $10 Evernight Teen GC 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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