Blog Tours


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

#VirtualBookTour - Beyond The Face Of The Movies By D. C. Lassiter

Please join author D. C. Lassiter as she tours the blogosphere with Write Now LiteraryBook Tours and her new release Beyond The Face Of The Movies, from Sept 1-30, 2016.

   Beyond The Face Of The Movies
By D. C. Lassiter


Crystal: Today I have the pleasure of hosting D. C. Lassiter. Welcome! I am so happy to have you here today. Would you share a little about yourself with us today?

D. C.: I am the youngest of six children raised in a family full of creatively inclined individuals. My father loved the game of chess so he taught each of us to play. If he wasn’t doing that he would be teaching my brother’s gymnastic techniques in the back yard.  My mother was known for filling the house with music, music and more music. As I look back this is where I found my love for it and probably the reason my mother wanted us all to play an instrument while growing up. However, if there wasn’t a record playing on the turntable or loud instruments permeating the Lassiter residence then there was a musical blaring from the television set which was sure to entertain us all—once we decided we liked them.  The King and I, Hello Dolly, My Fair Lady, and The Sound of Music were some of our favorites, and still are.
As children we were also, firmly, introduce to Jesus. I remember every Sunday morning my parents would wake us up to have bible study. My mother made it fun and added sound effects as she talked about Elijah going up in the chariot of fire to be with the Lord, and how Elisha eagerly waited for his double portion. We had fun watching The Ten Commandments while Charlton Heston encountered God in the burning bush and then later parting the Red Sea for the Israelites to escape the hands of Pharaoh. In our home there wasn’t a decision made without praying about it. God was talked about so often He was simply another sibling in my mind. It wouldn’t be long until my middle sister caught onto the manner of how to tell biblical stories and she too could make them come alive when my parents weren’t around. The way she would dazzle us with her imagination is a memory I will never forget. Like I said, we were all creatively inclined: Singing, dancing, acting, drawing, cooking, and playing instruments were just a few things we did to keep ourselves busy and most of all out of trouble.
When I could break away I read quite a bit, and journaled. I read fiction and self-help books, but discovered later in life without a personal relationship with God one can’t really help themselves. As the years passed my love of the arts grew and I began to model and sing internationally. I loved it, but couldn’t quite fit in. I discovered while living in Taiwan that all of those bible studies really changed me internally, and though I blended in on the outside to onlookers in the fashion world I couldn’t really relate to them –not really.
I made many mistakes as a young adult, but as I left the world of lights, camera and action I began searching for something more fulfilling in my life so after returning to the states I met my husband only for it to end up in divorce. I combed the bible for answers as I sat and wondered, “How did I get here?” I couldn’t seem to remember what choices I made to get me into this situation. After surviving it all with the Godhead holding my hand, I decided to go back to school. Currently I am pursuing my degree in Theology & Biblical Studies with a minor in Communications.  DCL Ministries is a ministry that combines all my experiences- good and bad- in order to help all who suffer emotionally understand how to better navigate through the pitfalls of life. Tough times fall upon everyone, but I believe it is what you choose to lean on to get out of your circumstances which will result in being victorious or not.  My weekly radio show Dovetales is all about how many made it through when allowing themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit. Victory is already ours and it can be yours too.

Crystal:  Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing?

D. C.:  Special routine you ask? I wouldn’t be a writer if I didn’t have some routine reigning in the thoughts which go through my mind on a daily basis. My writing style has a lot of humor folded into messages of fundamental biblical truths in the form of storytelling. Therefore, everything for me is nestled in prayer. By making mistakes in my life I have learned what’s best for me is to be led by Holy Spirit in everything I do.  My blog, books, radio show, and play productions are all inspired by scripture. Starting with the foundation of scripture forces the content to not be about me, but allows me to stay focused on relaying what God is trying to tell my readers rather then what I want to tell people. As a writer who folds in her personal experiences to relate to the message being told, I know my own personal hurts can also cloud my message if it is not filtered through something more powerful than me. My goal is to educate readers on who God is and who He is not. Therefore, I submit to humbling myself to Him first before starting to create anything. I love to write and express myself through laugher to my readers, but in preparation for helping others my special routine is-- God first.

Crystal:  Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read?

D. C.:  
Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado
Becoming A Contagious Christian by Bill Hybels & Mark Mittelberg
The Shack by WM. Paul Young
Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster
Discover Your God Given Gifts by Don & Katie Fortune
Beyond the Face of the Movies by D.C. Lassiter

About The Book:

Have you ever wondered why after watching a movie you are left with a residue of emotions? Perhaps after the credits have rolled off of your screen, you've experienced a sense of peace, empowerment, exhilaration, fear or maybe a better understanding of how to deal with a personal issue you've struggled with.
Whether we are a believer in God or not, everyone will come to a place where the choices they've made will lead them to asking themselves, "How did I get here?" And as we run from co-worker's and then to friends and family pleading for an answer as to how it all went so wrong, we will still have to choose, in the end, which path we'll take. Don't be fooled, because once you decide it is you and only you who will ultimately have to live those choices out.
Beyond the Face of the Movies will show you at heart just how similar we all are and whether you see your life resembling a Hollywood movie or a real life biblical character you will discover, underneath all the glitz and the glam, that people are still the same when it comes to making mistakes.
Many times God challenges us to go deeper than the surface of the movie, in hope that we will discover principles that can be gleaned from beneath the excitement and buzz of the film.
By juxtaposing Hollywood movies and biblical characters, the author connects the dots for the reader so that they are guided through fundamental biblical truths in order to better understand and navigate through their own life challenges on a daily basis.
What does Bruce Almighty have in common with the biblical Samson? What is Prophet Jonah doing in the Wizard of Oz instead of going down to Nineveh? Find out in this fun and feisty easy-to-read book, and while you are at it - take the time to look beyond the surface of the movie and you will sense God speaking to you in encouraging, practical and at times convicting ways.

Publication Date: July 7, 2016
Paperback & E-Book: 200 pages
Publisher: Pneuma Springs Publishing
ISBN-10: 1782284168
ISBN-13: 978-1782284161

Genre: Non-Fiction, Christian Living

Purchase Links:

About the Author:

D.C. Lassiter resides in the Pennsylvania area and is a student of God's word. After being called from a life of modeling and singing, she is now heading to Lancaster Bible College to completer her Bachelor's degree in Theology & Biblical Studies with a minor in Communications. D.C. Lassiter is single and worships at Blue Route Vineyard Community Church. She also writes on her blog as well as various online Christian magazines and counsels women struggling with separation or divorce. You can also find her engaging with her listeners, on the radio, every Sunday as she hosts Dovetales from 2:30-3:30 pm eastern time. Through guests willing to share what the Holy Spirit has done in and for their lives, D.C. Lassiter has an opportunity to encourage many towards a personal relationship with the Godhead which is for everyone: all nationalities, all races, all ages and all backgrounds.

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