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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

#Review - Cherished Secrets by C. B. Clark

Cherished Secrets by [Clark, C. B.]Are you looking for a really good book that is going to capture your attention and have you sitting on the edge of your seat holding your breath waiting to see what is going to happen next? I have the perfect book for you. Cherished Secrets  by C. B. Clark is full of drama, action, and a nice possible second chance at romance. I was held spellbound by this book from the first page to the last. 

Declan McAllister was tried and found guilty by the citizens of Cooper's Ridge's for a crime he sure did not commit. Now he's returned to town to try to clear his name and find out who did murder Skye. Declan has a rough childhood and is always willing to fight for the under dog. His rough childhood and his temper aren't falling in his favor. Declan is a good guy though. He's kind, caring, smart, brave, and incredibly patient to put up with some of the stuff the citizens throw at him when he returns home. 

Carrie Ann Hetherington has returned home at her aunt's request. Carrie Ann isn't thrilled to be home again and doesn't exactly feel wanted. Her homecoming coincides with Declan's. Carrie Ann is a strong, courageous, determined lady that has a little bit of a secret. 

Carrie Ann and Declan end up working together. This leads to some very dangerous situations, plenty of questions that need answered, an a flare up of that old high school flame. I don't want to tell you too much because I want you to enjoy this story as much as I did. This is one of those books that is impossible to put down because there is so many things going on that I couldn't read the pages fast enough. 

This is the first chance I have had to read C.B. Clark's work and it certainly won't be my last. Ms. Clark has created a fabulous romantic suspense story that is full of action, drama and romance. The characters are well written and easy to bond with. I can't wait to see what C.B. Clark has in store for us lucky readers next. I know she has found herself on my must read list. 

I was given the opportunity to read this incredible story and it has been my pleasure to share my thoughts with you.

Amazon Buy Link


  1. Thank you, Crystal, for reviewing 'Cherished Secrets'. I'm thrilled you liked the book. Your support for my writing is much appreciated.

  2. Thanks for the wonderful review!

  3. Great review. Cherished Secrets sounds right up my alley. Love the cover by the way.

  4. Congratulations CB. Your book sounds like a must read. xx

  5. Terrific review. Thanks Chrystal. Congratulations C.B..
