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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

#Review - Christmas Reflections by Joanne Jaytanie

Christmas Reflections (Forever Christmas Book 1) by [Jaytanie, Joanne]Are you like me and adore Christmas books? I have a really awesome short Christmas story for you. Christmas Reflections is a great story that I easily read in one setting. Christmas Reflections is the first chance I have had to read Joanne Jaytanie's work and it most certainly will not be my last. 

I loved the idea of the four friends going together to open Forever Christmas. I know I'd love to visit a place like this. I could totally visualize all the stores especially Christmas Reflections and Juliet's beautiful glass works of art. 

Juliet and her friend are busy building up their new business with Colton Weatherly arrives in town on a mission. Juliet and her friends are going to be a tougher sell then he expects.

Juliet and Colton form a friendship even though Colton wants to buy their tree farm. I loved watching these two get to know each other and also slowly seeing some changes in Colton. 

I don't want to tell you too much because I wouldn't want to spoil the story for you. There is a scene that totally made me fall in love with Colton. I'll let you read it for yourself and I bet you find the scene I'm talking about. 

I enjoyed my quick visit to Forever Christmas. It was a pleasure meeting Juliet and her friends. 

I was given the opportunity to read this great Christmas book and it has been my pleasure to share my thoughts with you. 

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