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Monday, November 20, 2017

#GiveAway ~ Trusting Him By Laura N. Andrews ~ @lauranandrews91

 Trusting Him
Series: Bromley Brothers, Book 1

Event coordinator Trey Bromley is the youngest of three brothers and is out and proud. The last thing he’s looking for is a man who doesn’t know what he wants. 

After a chance meeting with David Rossi, a security guard who has recently discovered his bisexuality, Trey begins to question exactly what he wants and how much he’s prepared to bend his own rules. 

Genre: Gay Romance

Release Date: October 28, 2017
Cover Designer: Claire Smith
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
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 Available now! 


His deep voice is full of sex when he says, “You realise when I said I was hungry, I didn’t mean for food, right?”
“I’m aware.”
He grins. “Good.” Still holding my hand, he pulls me in closer and cocks his brow. “So are you gonna invite me inside?”
My breath hitches. “Excuse me? You have some nerve—”
“I want you,” he says. “And some part of you wants me. Invite me inside, Trey.”
I scowl. “Don’t tell me what to do.”
“Why not? Somebody should.”
I sputter. “What?”
He shrugs and lets my hand go. “You can be an arrogant little shit, and I’m just—”
“What?” This guy is unbelievable! “I’m an arrogant shit?”
“That’s what I just said.” His words and his solemn nod are the last straw. 
I punch him in the face.
Well, I try to. He ducks away just in time, smirks, and it fuels my rage. I shove him in the chest in a quick burst of energy, but I’m lucky if he moves an inch. “You’re the arrogant shit!” I yell. “Ever since I first saw you, you’ve been a complete arsehole! And don’t fucking tell me you want me right before you insult me, that’s not how it works! The second part completely supersedes the first, so fuck you very much and goodnight.” 
I make it two steps before I’m pulled into his arms. I struggle for a moment until his lips meet mine. Fuck, this man is mercurial. I don’t understand him or anything that comes out of his mouth, but I can’t deny the physical chemistry we have. His touch brings out a hunger in me I’ve never experienced before.
His lips move down over my chin to my neck. He growls, “Invite me inside, Trey.”

About the Author: 

Canadian born Laura N. Andrews moved to Australia when she was three years old. When she finished high school, she successfully completed her studies in law enforcement. Since then, she's been working for over five years as a pharmacy assistant. When she's not working or spending time with family and friends, you can find her either curled up with a book or writing one of her own.

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  1. Hmm...pharmacies must be VERY different there if you need to have law enforcement training to become an assistant, lol. Thanks for the spotlight and giveaway!
