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Monday, November 20, 2017

#SpotLight ~ One Week to Win Her Boss by Barbara White Daille ~ @BarbaraWDaille

About the Book: 
Single mom Amber Barnett loves family, kids, Christmas…and unfortunately, her boss, confirmed bachelor Michael DeFranco. It's a crush she really needs to get over. Except, when she’s temporarily forced from her apartment, her only option is to stay at Michael’s private ski lodge, where she's the housekeeper. No problem. Her handsome boss rarely visits Snowflake Valley unexpectedly, plus he’s spending the holidays with his family. Or so she thinks…

A stormy Christmas Eve reunion leaves Michael seeking the solitude of his lodge, where he finds Amber in residence—and in trouble. Attempting to save her from her matchmaking family, he announces they’re a couple. His good deed backfires when they’re instantly included in each and every holiday event in town. So much for solitude. 

Only the more time he spends with the beautiful, cheery brunette, the more he yearns to make things real between them. But he and Amber want different things, and Michael could never be the family man she's looking for. 

Buy Links:
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In one corner of the kitchen, the baby lay in the playpen Amber must have moved from the living room.

Amber stood at the counter. She had shed her robe, revealing a soft-looking yellow sweater skimming her waist and a pair of jeans hugging her hips. His mouth watered. And no matter how he tried, he couldn’t connect that reaction to the appetizing smell of coffee filling the kitchen.

As if she’d heard his thoughts, she frowned. “I hope you won’t be too disappointed.”

“Me? Never.” He cleared his throat and brought his voice down a few octaves. “Ah…disappointed by what?”

“I still have coffee on the hot plate. But the fridge is nearly empty. If you want something to eat, you’ll have to settle for eggs or canned soup. Or a plate of my mom’s leftovers.”

“I’ll pass for tonight. But for the record, leftovers are my favorite meal.”

Her laugh was exactly the response he’d gone for. Instead, he should have been focused on finding out why she was here. He followed her movements from the counter to the fridge and back again. As her employer, he should have been noticing her competence in the kitchen.

Not even close.

From the playpen, her daughter babbled for a bit. Probably saying You’d better watch yourself, mister.

He darned sure would.

At the time he’d met Amber, he had been clueless about her pregnancy. But even before they’d gone their separate ways that day, his interest in her had kicked off a craving he wanted to satisfy. Stupid thinking, when he had no intention of getting involved with a woman like her, a woman who had one big flaw, at least as far as he was concerned.

She had already started a family.

He’d had his fill of raising his brothers, who added a few new twists to the word dysfunctional. Seeing how some of them had turned out, no way did he want to risk going through that again with kids of his own.

Amber’s daughter and Amber’s dedication to her family were the deal breakers for him. The steps he wouldn’t take. The places he wouldn’t go.

And so, he’d made a mental note: Scratch her name off the Dating Potential list. Permanently.

Yet on his visits here with a houseful of business associates, he always found time to talk with her. To check up on the lodge and the property… Yeah, sure. The truth was, there had always been something drawing him to Amber. Something different about her from all the other women he knew. Something enticing him close to a line he couldn’t cross.

As he had no guests with him this visit, he’d also had no intention of asking her to work.

Didn’t take a brain surgeon to understand he’d wanted to avoid temptation.


About the Author: 

Barbara White Daille lives with her husband in the sunny Southwest. Though they love the warm winters and the lizards in their front yard, they haven’t gotten used to the scorpions in the bathroom. Barbara also loves writing, reading, and chocolate. Come to think of it, she enjoys writing about those subjects, too!

Barbara wrote her first short story at the age of nine, then typed "The End" to her first novel many years the eighth grade. Now she's writing contemporary romance on a daily basis. Sign up for her newsletter to keep up with the latest in her writing life:

Social Media Links:

Amazon author page
Harlequin author page
Entangled author page
Bookbub author page 
Goodreads author page


  1. Crystal- thanks so much for putting my new book in the spotlight.
    Readers - I hope you enjoy the excerpt!

  2. Lovely excerpt, thank you for sharing!

    1. And thank you for the comment, E.L. - much appreciated! I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt.
