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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

#Review - Special Occasions by Grace Augustine

Special Occasions (The Acorn Hills Series Book 7) by [Augustine, Grace]Everyone has a favorite series that you just can't wait for the next book to release right? Then you hear it's the last book in the series. Your still excited but suddenly there is a touch of sadness to go with the excitement of the new book coming because it's the last. That is exactly how I feel about The Acorn Hill Series by Grace Augustine. I fell in love with this series from book one and I've loved them all along the way. I've been impatiently awaiting Jillian's story and now it's HERE! 

Each of the friends in this series have become friends to me. I enjoy each and every trip when I visit my friends in Acorn Hills. I love visiting Richard's Relics to check out the new finds, Jillian's Special Occasions to grab a nice bouquet of flowers, David's Turner's for lunch and a drink maybe, Ginger's Mystic Capers for dessert, Denise's Sultry Sensations for a special treat, then drop in for a visit with Jordan at the gallery for the latest art display. 

I think Jillian has been my favorite character in this series. I've loved them all so maybe it changes with each book. Jillian has been through so much in life. I have to say some of the scenes in this book touched my heart immensely because they hit really close to home for me right now. I admit to crying and being a little chocked up for a while after reading a few scenes. Jillian is one strong lady though. I admire her strength and courage it must have taken to pick up life and raise her two young boys alone. Not completely alone though she had the support of her friends especially Richard whom was right next door.

Not only did this wonderful woman suffer the loss of her husband at a young age. She suffered the loss of another love along the way. She's been cheated on, loved from afar, made a successful business, supported her friends along the way, raise two wonderful children, and found her soul mate and second chance of true love. 

Now in Special Occasions Jillian thinks back on her life and share memories with her children and with us lucky readers.  We also get to see what's happening now with everyone in the little circle of friends and with their children. 

Denise is one of my favorite characters too. I think I bonded with her over MS. Ms. Augustine has done a great job of show how much life can change on a daily basis or hourly basis with MS in your life. It's not a joy but it's a challenge to make it through each new normal. 

There are a few surprises to be had in this book. One is HUGE and it's just for Richard's birthday. I have to say Jillian has done a great job with those sons of hers. I won't tell you more than that. I'll leave it there so you may enjoy the surprise as much as I did. 

All in all it was a wonderful trip to Acorn Hills. It was great to see everyone and catch up on what they have been doing since my last visit. I'm said to see this is the last book in Acorn Hills. Maybe with a little luck Ms. Augustine will bring some of my friends in for a visit in one of her new upcoming books. 

As I said this is part of the Acorn Hill series, book seven to be exact, however I think you will find it can stand on it's own just fine. I think you would enjoy it just fine if this is your first trip to Acorn Hills, however if you have had the chance to read the other books this one will probably touch your heart a little more. I highly recommend the WHOLE series, they are all completely awesome. 

I was given the chance to read this spectacular book and it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you. 

You may find more of my reviews on Grace Augustine's work here.

Special Occasions (The Acorn Hills Series Book 7) by [Augustine, Grace]
Special Occasions Amazon Buy Link 

Richard's Relics Amazon Buy Link
My Review


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Sultry Sensations
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My Review

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