Chasing Hindy
By Darin Gibby
Interview with Darin Gibby:
Crystal: Today I have the pleasure of hosting Darin Gibby. Welcome Darin! I'm so excited to have you here today. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?
Darin: My day job is actually being a patent attorney. I am a partner with the firm of Kilpatrick Townsend. I help inventors get patents on things like drug delivery systems and life-saving cardiac equipment. I also help clients enforce and license their patents around the world.
In addition to Chasing Hindy, I’ve written three other books: Why Has America Stopped Inventing? (that explored the critical issue of America’s broken patent system), The Vintage Club (that tells the story of a group of the world’s wealthiest men who are chasing a legend about a wine that can make you live forever) and Gil (that is about a high school coach who discovers that he can pitch with deadly speed and is given an offer to play with the Rockies during a player’s strike. Gil soon discovers, however, that his unexpected gift is the result of a rare disease, and continuing to pitch may hasten his own death).
I also travel quite a bit, run triathlons and enjoy back country fly-fishing trips and skiing in the Rocky Mountains.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?
Darin: I’ve pasted a scene toward the end of the book.
Claire, sensing Quinn was now a hostage and that his
life somehow depended on Addy’s decision to stop the show,
teetered over and put her arm around Addy. “I’m afraid it’s time.
I’m sorry, but I understand your decision. We’re going to run the
backup commercial.”
Claire held her tighter. Somehow her human touch brought
Addy back.
“No,” Addy said. “Don’t run the backup. This is what Quinn
wants. I’ve got to honor his last request.”
The sheriff snatched the phone and plugged it into his ear. It
was too late. The call had ended.
Addy untangled herself from Claire’s embrace. “Come on,
we can’t wait any longer. Let’s get this show on the road.”
Tears began to stream down her face as she slammed down
the hood and bolted into the car. She poked the red button and
immediately felt a slight tremor as the fuel cell hummed to life.
“It’s running on water,” she screamed over Zissy’s blaring
band. She wiped her watering eyes. “Just like Quinn promised.
Just like he promised.”
The cameraman moved closer, and the sheriff rested his
hands on his hips.
“I’ll be damned if I’m going to be the one to ruin this,” he
Claire began yelping commands into her headset. A makeup
artist appeared, poked her head through the window, and began
dotting a pad on Addy’s cheeks and above her injured eye.
She shifted the car into gear and gently pressed the
accelerator. Hindy leapt forward, nearly sideswiping one of the
“Sorry,” she said through a half smile. “I wasn’t expecting
A path within the tunnel instantly cleared, and Claire
gestured her forward. Four cameramen jockeyed for position,
and a few bystanders pulled out their phones to capture the
historic event.
Zissy’s final number was reaching its climax. Amid the
screeching guitars and pounding drums, the fans clapped and
sang. Addy heard an explosion as the fireworks display began.
This is really going to happen, Addy told herself.
She kept her foot steady on the accelerator, urging Hindy
forward at a safe speed. She could now see fireworks exploding
at the end of the tunnel. She’d managed to time her entrance just
as Nate had orchestrated.
Addy was within twenty feet of exiting onto the track when
four figures wearing black armor suddenly appeared, blocking
her exit. Machine guns were leveled right at her windshield. One
spoke into a megaphone.
“This is the Department of Homeland Security. Stop or we
will be forced to shoot.”
Addy didn’t even pause to consider her situation. Nothing
was going to stop her. She hit the accelerator. Hindy responded
with increased speed. The gap between her and the federal
agents was rapidly closing. Addy pressed harder and Hindy
responded, threatening to mow over the black-clad agents.
Realizing Addy was refusing to obey their order, they stepped
aside, just as Addy whizzed past them. As she did, she shot her
hand out the window and pumped her fist.
Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for your latest release?
Darin: The genesis behind Chasing Hindy came from a surprising source—a hypnotist. When I was in high school, we had an assembly where a hypnotist put a group of volunteers under hypnosis. One of the questions he asked them was what would be the fuel of the future. What fuel would people pump into their tank? Almost without exception they all said, “water!” The hypnotist then told the audience that every time he asked that question he received the same answer.
That was several decades ago, but I’ve always wondered whether that could possibly be true—and why all these people thought we’d all be driving cars that used water. In the following years, I realized that a car wouldn’t run on water per se, but from hydrogen that is extracted from water. The question, of course, is that if we know how to produce hydrogen, why aren’t there hydrogen cars? The answer is quite simple. As an engineer and patent attorney I know the science behind extracting hydrogen from water. The problem is that it takes more energy to do this than to just run a car on gasoline, or even electricity.
But what if somebody invented a way to make it happen? That’s the germ of an idea that led to Chasing Hindy.
Then, of course, is finding an idea for a main character. For me, a good character is far more difficult than finding a story idea. Not only does the character need to make the story line happen, but the readers need to relate to what the character is experiencing. I struggled with such a character for years, and, in fact, rewrote the book several times with other characters that just didn’t seem to work.
What made the story finally click was my discovery of Addy—a patent attorney with a dream to change the world. I decided on a female character (who was also a patent attorney) for several reasons. Perhaps the main reason was that female patent attorneys are in short supply and I wanted to encourage women to enter the profession. So I created Addy to hopefully show what a difference one person can make, and through her experience more women would want to become patent attorneys.
Crystal: What are you currently working on?
Darin: I am currently working on a piece of historical fiction based in the mid-18th century. I was just at the New Jersey Historical Society doing research. I’m going to tell about an important and fascinating part of American history that has somehow been overlooked.
Crystal: Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing?
Darin: Not really. I write whenever I get a free minute. It can be on an airplane, while watching a movie or even during a short break at work. I have so little time to write that I need to be disciplined and take advantage of any free tip. I carry my laptop with me everywhere so I can type out a chapter if I get the chance.
Crystal: Did you have to do a lot of research for this book or any other? If so do you have a fascinating fact that you have learned you would like to share with us?
Darin: I did a tremendous amount of research. The most difficult part was finding a plausible to permit a car to run on water. I read all kinds of articles on fuel cells, read hundreds of patents and spoke with a dozen PhDs who knew about the topic. I finally came to the realization that it is possible to make a car that can efficiently run on water, but it will probably take some kind of catalyst to do this. Once I had that figured out, I was able to put together the rest of the book.
Crystal: Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read?
Darin: I think John Grisham would be at the top. He has inspired me the most. He came out with The Firm when I was a first year law student. One of my classmates had a copy and we all read it in the first week it came out. I’ve read all of his books since then. Unfortunately, his last few haven’t been so great, but in his day he certainly produced some great stories. I also read a lot of nonfiction. I like authors like McCullough, Jon Krakauer, Michael Lewis and Bill Bryson. I’m currently reading some of Michael Chabon.
Crystal: Is there a genre you haven't written that you would like to try?
Darin: As I mentioned before, I am going to give historical fiction a try. I think that will be the best way to tell a very fascinating story about mid-nineteenth century America.

innovative catalyst. After resigning her partnership to join Quinn, Addy
discovers things aren’t as they seem. The patent office suppresses the
company’s patent applications and her life is threatened by unknown assailants if she doesn’t resign.
When she is arrested for stealing US technology from the patent office she realizes Quinn has used her. Now, Addy must find a way to clear her name while salvaging her dream of propelling this technology to the world, all while powerful forces attempt to stop her.
Publisher: Koehler Books
Pages: 284
Genre: Thriller
ADDY FELT LIKE jumping out of her car and doing a quick happy dance in the middle of stalled traffic. Her excitement at becoming the newest—and youngest—partner at the intellectual property law firm of Wyckoff & Schechter was nearly overwhelming.
She grinned at the shadow on the hood of Hindy, her treasured retrofitted cherry red Shelby Mustang. The shadow was created by a barrel-sized, hydrogen-filled balloon that floated above the Mustang’s roof. Gawkers pointed and laughed as the Shelby eased down El Camino pulling the tethered balloon as if in a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. The balloon—which on one side sported her law firm’s logo, and on the other Hindy in giant cursive script—was just an advertising gimmick to show her passion for alternative energies. It was only strapped to the roof on calm, sunny days when she was travelling at slow speeds using routes that avoided overpasses. The retrofitted Mustang was really powered by four electric motors using electricity produced by solar panels and a conventional fuel cell.
At first, the Wyckoff partners questioned Addy’s prudence in strapping a floating balloon to the roof of any vehicle, but they’d
come to admire the effectiveness of her marketing innovations. They even lifted their champagne glasses at the end of her mentor’s welcome speech acknowledging that her Shelby was responsible for bringing in increasing numbers of the “green” companies sprouting like weeds all over the Silicon Valley— inventive, entrepreneurial companies in need of legal advice and support for their patents.
While the traffic inched forward, Addy chuckled with excitement. “Hindy, ol’ pal,” she said, patting the dashboard, “you and I are going places now! Next time some overzealous cops accuse you of being a traffic hazard, I’ll stare them down and inform them they’re messing with the partner of a highly prestigious law firm.”
Traffic momentarily loosened and Addy eased Hindy forward, careful not to snap the lines tethering the egg-shaped balloon. Addy sang along with Zissy Spaeth, pop rock’s newest and most flashy star, as Zissy belted out her latest hit, Light in Your Eyes, over the radio. In the corner of her eye she noticed a blaze of neon orange.
Her heart stopped. In the car next to her someone was pointing a bazooka-sized gizmo at her balloon. She blinked, trying to clear her vision.
A flare shot out, aimed straight at her floating ball of
Even in the late afternoon sunlight, it was impossible to miss the explosion. The dirigible burst into a giant fireball, then slowly deflated and floated down toward the Shelby’s crimson hood.
Addy stomped on her brakes, hoping the balloon’s momentum would shoot the flaming mass forward. The fireball, safely secured by its fluorescent yellow nylon tethers, crashed down onto the windshield, blocking Addy’s view. She screeched to a halt, slammed her shoulder into the door, flung it open, and darted out, catching the heel of her pump on the doorjamb, which sent her sprawling headlong onto the pavement.
She heard tires squeal and at least a half dozen blaring horns. Stinging pain shot up from her elbow and knees. Thank goodness traffic had been just inching along.
Ignoring the pain, she bolted forward, arms raised, ready
to yank the still-burning fabric off the windshield. Before she got close enough to grab it, the sweltering heat from the flames scorched her cheeks, and she shielded her eyes with her forearm. Just when she reached the hood, a breeze lifted the infernal blob and propelled it directly at her, the nylon cords now seared through.
She braced herself for the fireball when she felt arms wrap around her chest and yank her back, barely in time to avoid the searing molten mass of goo about to descend on her head, threatening to fry her face and melt her hair.
“Are you crazy? What are you thinking?” a deep voice
bellowed in her ear, still holding her tight.
Together they watched what was left of the blimp float like a falling leaf onto the grassy shoulder, just like the Hindenburg did almost eighty years ago.
“Someone clearly doesn’t like you, short stuff,” her rescuer said, now standing next to her stroking his goatee, his face hidden behind dark sunglasses and a low-riding Dodgers cap. “More like out to get you. That was some kind of flare the driver shot at your blimp. I tried to spot his license plate, but it was covered up. Snapped a picture with my phone, though,” the man said fishing it from his pocket. “You can kind of see a tattoo on his forearm. The police will love this.”
Before she could thank him, someone cried out, “Call a fire
truck! The grass!”
Brush fires in California were no joking matter. Addy could smell the smoldering grasses. A strong breeze fanned the flames, pushing the fire toward a row of redwood trees.
Then she heard a whiny voice coming from the milling crowd of stranded passengers who’d gathered to find out what was holding up their homeward commute. “I’ve seen that blimp before. I knew it was trouble,” the whiner complained.
“Yeah, but at least she’s part of the solution,” said someone else. “Her car doesn’t use gasoline. Look at what you’re driving,” he said, sneering at the whiny woman’s crossover SUV.
Addy’s knees buckled, her head spinning. She plopped down onto the pavement and hugged her bare legs. This couldn’t be happening.
Why would someone try to destroy her car?
About the Author:

In addition to a thriving career as a novelist, author Darin Gibby is also one of the country’s premiere patent attorneys and a partner at the prestigious firm of Kilpatrick Townsend (
With over twenty years of experience in obtaining patents on hundreds of inventions from the latest drug delivery systems to life-saving cardiac equipment, he has built IP portfolios for numerous Fortune 500 companies. In addition to securing patents, Gibby helps clients enforce and license their patents around the world, and he has monetized patents on a range of products.
Darin’s first book, Why Has America Stopped Inventing?, explored the critical issue of America’s broken patent system. His second book, The Vintage Club, tells the story of a group of the world’s wealthiest men who are chasing a legend about a wine that can make you live forever. His third book, Gil, is about a high school coach who discovers that he can pitch with deadly speed and is given an offer to play with the Rockies during a player’s strike. Gil soon discovers, however, that his unexpected gift is the result of a rare disease, and continuing to pitch may hasten his own death.
With a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering and a Master of Business Administration degree, he is highly regarded in Denver’s legal and business community as a patent strategist, business manager, and community leader. He is also a sought-after speaker on IP issues at businesses, colleges and technology forums, where he demonstrates the value of patents using simple lessons from working on products such as Crocs shoes, Izzo golf straps and Trek bicycles.
An avid traveler and accomplished triathlete, Darin also enjoys back country fly-fishing trips and skiing in the Rocky Mountains. He lives in Denver with his wife, Robin, and their four children.
His latest book is the thriller, Chasing Hindy.
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