I borrowed this Post from Madison Michael's blog. I thought you all might enjoy this too :)
Gem of the Week and What to Read Next -
Come to the Spring Book Fair!
Spring Fair Day 1: Contemporary and Young Adults

This week my gem and what to read are one and the same. Why?
Because the gem is a chance to buy discounted – or even free – books, and the “what to read next” is, of course, the books you get in the fair.
Viviana MacKade is hosting a book fair to celebrate Spring. This is your chance to explore a dozen or more books (including my own Bedazzled at a discounted price) in a number of romantic genres.
The Fair will run from March 19th to March 21st with each day focused on a different genre. Follow them all or swoop in for your favorites:
- March 19th: Contemporary/Suspense/New Adults https://viviana-mackade.blog/2019/03/19/spring-fair-day-1-contemporary-and-young-adults/
- March 20th: Historical
- March 21st: Paranormal/ Fantasy
- Follow the Fair at Viviana-MacKade.blog or at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011982152461
Be sure to grab up your copy of Bedazzled that is one of the featured books and is on sale right now!
- Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2OgpY11