Born 2 Be Different:
Empowering Stories by Young Women Who Overcame the Odds of the World to Make a Kingdom Impact
By LaToya Gay
Crystal: Today I pleased to host LaToya Gay. Welcome LaToya! I'm so happy to have you here today. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?
LaToya: My name is LaToya Gay and I am a 31 year old wife of almost 7 years to my best friend and biggest supporter Joseph and mother of 4 beautiful children. I grew up in Caroline County, VA and now reside in Henrico, VA. Being the oldest of two and having went through many heart aches and setbacks in life, I have gained confidence within myself and now have released all of the pain from my past in order to help other young ladies heal and learn how to let go and let God.
I am the founder of VirtuallyNSync, LLC which was a business that helped women find legit work from home and published my first book “Who Says You Can’t Work From Home?” in February 2012. During this time of my business I realized that God has so much in store for me and my family. A passion was ignited and I was desiring to do more within God’s Kingdom. As of February, and through much prayer, I decided to shut down that part of my business to chase and accept my gift of ministry and mentoring young ladies under 30 who guidance and help understanding their worth.
I am very passionate about helping young women push through their doubts and chase after their dreams by accepting the purpose for their life and realizing that they were created to stand out from the crowd and live life differently. I have been featured in an interview with Tamyka Washington of Marketing her Way, Nominated for “Woman of the Year” with WERock Awards, Nominated for “Leading mom in business” with StartUpNation and featured in an interview with Leslie Truex of Work at Home Success.
I am on fire for Christ and as a licensed and ordained minister, have made it my personal mission to help young women Be, Live and Do Life Differently while making a Kingdom Impact. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, singing and whatever the future holds for us.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?
LaToya: My favorite scene would be on a quiet beach with my family with a pencil and notepad and journaling the life that I am blessed to live.
Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for Born 2 Be Different?
LaToya: God gave me the idea behind this book and instructed me to write from my heart so that the lives of other young ladies will be impacted and those who are non-believers will understand their worth in Christ.
Crystal: What are you currently working on?
LaToya: I am currently working publishing the first book of my Born2BeDifferent book series along my husband who is currently work on the male version of the second book of this 4 part book series that will publish in May 2015
Crystal: Do you have any special routine that you follow when you are writing?
LaToya: I pray first, gather my thoughts and then allow God to lead in what to write.
Crystal: Did you have to do a lot of research this book or any other?
LaToya: It was not much research, it was more prayer and allowing God to lead me in who needed to be a part of this book and the marketing plan he wanted me to follow in order to experience success.
Crystal: Who are some of your favorite authors that you like to read?
LaToya: I love reading Christian Non Fiction and Fiction. I do not have any particular authors other than T.D Jakes
Crystal: Is there a genre you haven't written that you would like to try?
LaToya: After this book series, I am going to start writing Christian Youth books similar to urban thug books but in a Christian perspective. How young women use date thugs can realize their worth and allow the man that God has destined for their life embrace their beauty.
About The Book
7 women OVER 30. (Paving the Way)
7 women UNDER 30. (Setting the Record Straight)
What do each of these 14 women have in common?
They each have a powerful story of how they OVERCAME the odds of the WORLD to make a KINGDOM impact.
Each woman has a different yet powerful testimony that will allow young women to understand that they are NOT alone.
We have all been through disappointments, struggles, pain, hurt and so many setback in life.
However, it is these very setbacks and “tests” that help us grow and accept that we were called to stand out, be different and make a difference in God’s Kingdom.
As young women, we often have low self-esteem, low self-worth and have accepted the LIE that we will NEVER overcome our failures, our past and our pain. This is NOT TRUE! You are beautiful, You are different and you were born 2 be different!
Born 2 Be Different is a 4 part book series that targets young women and men under the ages of 30 years old. Our first book is set to launch in February 2015 and is dedicated to every young girl across the nation.
About The Author

After having several health issues with her last pregnancy in 2009 and with the support of her husband of 5 years she was able to leave her full time job and become a full time stay at home mother. This was definitely a huge decision for their family and a journey that challenged LaToya to launch out into the deep. LaToya is very passionate about helping young women push through their doubts and chase after their dreams by accepting the purpose for their life and realizing that they were created to stand out from the crowd and live life differently. In addition to launching her business, she was able to start her own full service Christian virtual assistant team which served over 23 clients nationwide. She has been featured in an interview with Tamyka Washington of Marketing her Way, Nominated for “Woman of the Year” with WERock Awards, Nominated for “Leading mom in business” with StartUpNation and featured in an interview with Leslie Truex of Work at Home Success.
LaToya is on fire for Christ and as a licensed and ordained minister, has made it her personal mission to help young women Be, Live and Do Life Differently while making a Kingdom Impact. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, singing and whatever the future holds for her and her family.
Genre: Christian/Youth/Inspiration
Release Date: February 15th 2014
Print Length: 115 pages
Publisher: (February 14, 2015)
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