Tuesday, July 31, 2018

#GiveAway ~ The Summoning By Linda Nightingale ~ @LNightingale

The Summoning
Ancient Gods Series Book 1
By Linda Nightingale

A Magnificent Black Pegasus:

In The Summoning, first chapter, the hero Eryael shapeshifts into a winged black horse to rescue the heroine from the bad guys. When I described this horse, I had in mind a Friesian stallion. So, I thought I’d tell you a little about the Friesian, one of my favorite breeds of horse. I bred, trained and showed the fabulous Andalusian, but I would have loved to own a high-school trained (elevated trot called Passage, and trot in place called Piaffe, plus lateral work, and airs above the ground) Friesian. They are truly poetry in motion.

The Friesian breed originates in Friesland in the Netherlands. These splendid horses conform to people’s idea of a light draft horse, and, in fact, were originally used as fancy carriage horses. However, they are nimble and graceful, currently quite popular in show arenas for their lofty movements and shining ebony coats. The Friesian ranges from 15 to 17 hands, are powerfully muscled, with thick manes and tails and feathers (long hair) at their fetlocks. Their necks are high-set and proudly arched. In a word, they are beautiful. If you would like to know more about the Friesian, visit the national association.

About The Summoning:
Heather Morique is a witch. The problem is she doesn’t know it. Her husband Jahill was a refugee from an obscure branch of the Arawak Indians. After his death, mysterious whispers lure her to his homeland of Jamaica. Soon, she finds herself in a web of secrets, lies and illusions.

Jahill’s people worship Eyrael, the God of Wind and Sea, and his brother Sofiel, the God of Fire and Earth. The new Shaman has pitted brother against brother, and these two powerful spirits from an alternate universe fight to become the tribe’s ruling deity. Will light or darkness reign?

When Heather unwittingly summons Eyrael, these two unlikely soul mates face a dangerous fate. The chemistry between them is more disturbing than the long-buried secrets.

Amazon Buy Link


“Do not fear, beautiful witch,” he said over his shoulder. “If I am to meet my dark brother in battle, I shall confront him at my most powerful. The shape the People worship is a black stallion.”
“Do what you must.” Her voice came stronger now. “I understand you’re the only one standing between the Whisperers and me. They wished me to drown. First, they invaded my dreams, then they whispered that the sea would cleanse me of my sins and take away my grief.”
“When I advance, run as far and as fast as you can. When it is possible, I shall find you.” His human body shivered like the sea shimmers beneath the sun and melted. In the man’s place, a massive black horse stood, a warrior’s horse—a warrior horse.
Behind him, the woman gasped, then he felt a touch on his rear fetlock. “A Friesian stallion.” Awe overcame the fear in her voice. “Magnificent,” she breathed.
Eyrael, the black stallion, shook his head, ruffling the fall of his thick mane on his crested neck.
The witch peered past him, shrank back, trembling. “They are the Whisperers. They lured me here to kill me. If not now, they will whisper until I am insane.” She covered her ears. “What is that terrible sound?”
He could not speak, dared not turn to look at her. Sofiel was coming and, with him, her death. Eyrael snorted, pawing the sand. The People froze in their march, gaping at their God. His wind screamed, angry waves lashing the shore. Once again, Taino brandished his staff and called the lightning, ominous booms of thunder shaking the ground. Sofiel must have taught the Shaman this feat of fire. Hoping to avoid a battle, Eyrael trotted toward members of the tribe he recognized from other visits, long ago, and now they were old.
The gray-haired brave who’d spoken earlier shouted above the wind, “Welcome, God of Wind and Sea. It has been many years since we met.”
The Shaman pointed his staff at the elderly man. Ragni recoiled a step and fell silent. What was Taino’s power over these people? There were many of them, one of him. Why didn’t they overpower him instead of cringing at his word? Eyrael reared, trumpeting a challenge.
The warp-and-weft of the universes quivered.
The Shaman’s voice rose against the wind, shrieking warnings to Eryael. He threatened to capture the black stallion in a spell and geld him with the sacrificial blade. No one moved. Finally, Ragni, the old brave, turned to Taino. “Our God comes to do battle with yours. Stop, Taino. The God of Wind and Sea was with the tribe on the ancient journey from the Amazon basin to Xaymaca.”
As if the man hadn’t spoken, the witchdoctor cried, “Wayward Knowledge, I command you to my side. Bound-Spirit, answer the prayer of the Faithful. This woman is to be sacrificed for her crimes against your People.”
Eyrael halted, lifting his forefeet off the sand in a half-rear and crouched on his haunches, performing the levade, a battle move belonging to an earlier century.
“Foolish Spirit, she is no witch.” Taino threw back his head and laughed. “Ask the woman her crimes when she is tied on the altar. She will pay for what she has done.”
“I’ve done nothing.” At the top of her lungs, the witch called against the howling wind. She was drenched, wet hair clinging to her face, the rough brown gown hugging her figure. Yet she stood as regal as a queen.
The blonde witch had rallied from shock. When battle joined, she would stand with him. Happiness flooded Eyrael. A memory of sailing the crystal winds with Sofiel flashed through his mind, sadness gripping his heart. In this, the reality of Man, Eyrael would be pitted against his own brother.

Where to Find Linda: 
At a Day of the Dead Book Signing in Houston. She’s the scary one on the right!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LNightingale
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindaNightingaleAuthor
Web Site: http://www.lindanightingale.com Visit and look around. There’s a free continuing vampire story.
Blog: https://lindanightingale.wordpress.com/ - Lots of interesting guests & prizes
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4839311.Linda_Nightingale
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lbnightingale1/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Nightingale/e/B005OSOJ0U

Other Books:

  • Love For Sale
  • Gambler's Choice
  • Morgan D'Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody
  • Gylded Wings
  • Her General in Gray
  • The Summoning
  • Sinner’s Obsession
  • Cardinal Desires

Giveaway: Linda is giving away a $15 gift card via Rafflecopter, so enter and follow her to her next destination for more chances to win and different excerpts!!

22-Jul Valerie Ullmer http://www.valerieullmer.com/
21-Jul Abbie MacMunn https://abbeymacmunn.com/
25-Jul Alicia Dean https://aliciadean.com/alicias-blog/
Adriana Kraft https://adrianakraft.com/category/blog/
27-Jul Diane Burton http://dianeburton.blogspot.com/
28-Jul Review by Crystal http://reviewsbycacb.blogspot.com/

1-Aug Maureen Bonatch https://www.maureenbonatch.com/blog/
5-Aug Ann Everett http://www.anneverett.com

6-Aug Brenda Sparks http://brenda-sparks.com/index.html
7-Aug Nomad Writers https://nomadauthors.com/
9-Aug Kathy Kulig www.kathykuligblog.com

13-Aug Vivi www.viviana-mackade.blog

30-Aug Pam Thibodeaux http://pamswildroseblog.blogspot.com/
14-Sep Romance Lives Forever https://romancelivesforever.blogspot.com/

#GiveAway ~ Besotted by Madison Michael ~ @madisonmichael_

Beguiling Bachelors Series Book 5
By Madison Michael

Madison has put together some really awesome Prize Packages to giveaway during the tour. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may enter every day for your chance to win one of the prize packages. You may find the tour locations here

About Besotted:

Time is Running Out…For Both of Them

Regan Howe, won her coveted CEO position through hard work and a willingness to buck family tradition. Now, Brandon Hockney, a handsome US Senator with his eye on the White House, wants her to give it up, along with her home, friends and family for a move to DC and marriage to him.

Regan wants marriage and family but this choice will require she leave everything she loves, including the alluring Tyler Winthrop. Regan has waited twenty years for Tyler to commit. He once promised her forever, then destroyed her trust and her hopes for a future together. Still, she cannot break the ties between them. Regan is besotted.

Tyler’s moment to win Regan is slipping through his fingers. He has remained on the outskirts of Regan’s life, reluctant to reveal his true past and expose her to danger. Despite their obvious attraction, Tyler has remained her friend and protector, keeping Regan at arm’s length for her own safety, When Regan determines to test the waters with Brandon, Tyler is tapped as acting CEO, throwing the pair together for one last chance at love.

Can Tyler shake off the thugs threatening to expose his past mistakes? Can he earn Regan’s trust and woo her away from Washington? Battling overwhelming odds and a racing clock, will Tyler be forced to release his one true love to find happiness with another man? How can he when he’s besotted?

Join Tyler and Regan as they seek their happily ever after in the conclusion of the steamy, contemporary Beguiling Bachelor romance series.

Besotted is a contemporary erotic romantic suspense story.

Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2AiK2MQ

Excerpt from Besotted:

Regan was just too damn alluring in that dress for him to accept that he couldn’t have her if he wanted her.
He was an idiot. He should have told her years ago. He should have told everyone. Despite the tongue- lashing he was silently giving himself, Tyler was certainly no fool. “The professor” to his friends, he was generally serious and professional. He had the smarts necessary to obtain both an MBA and a law degree, and he was now CEO of LHRE and on hiatus from one of the fastest growing tech companies in the country. He kept his cool in general, but again and again he behaved like an idiot around Regan.
Since that damn frog almost thirty years ago, he had loved no one but Regan. Sometimes they made it work together, like in high school, but most times not. His feelings were unchanged, but something always stopped him from declaring his love and asking her to do the same. This time it was something insurmountable.
And yet Tyler couldn’t stay away. He was the proverbial moth to the flame, flirting with disaster every time he flirted with her. He had promised to stay away, to keep her safe,but the attraction was undeniable. Yep, prize idiot.
Returning to the ballroom after the latest threats, Tyler briefly considered sharing the conversation, coming clean with Regan and perhaps moving their relationship forward. He was at a fork in the road but remained silent, Tyler knew he was on the wrong path but couldn’t summon the will to fix it. Not only were his problems unsolveable, but she was involved with Brandon. Tyler felt hopeless.
He was preoccupied just as Regan accused, but Tyler tried to give Regan the attention she deserved. He failed miserably until Regan suggested they just leave. That got his attention. Who knew when he would hold her in his arms again.
“Come dance with me again. It would be a crime to waste that dress.”
Encircling Regan in his arms, his body responded to her nearness, even as his mind worried over the earlier texts. He was unaware of his hand stroking her back, fingers lightly skimming over her bare skin. He wasn’t thinking clearly when he pulled her close or when he dropped kisses on her hair. He wasn’t paying attention, just acting on instinct, Regan was responding, her breath growing uneven, her hands clinging to his shoulders.

Other Books in the Beguiling Bachelors Series:

Bedazzled (Book 1)
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2K3OL4D
Bedazzled is now on Kindle Unlimited 

Beholden (Book 2)
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2AjMtPg
Beholden is now on Kindle Unlimited 

Bedeviled (Book 3)
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2uUHsYu
Bedeviled is now on Kindle Unlimited 

Bewildered (Prequel)
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2uXZXeu
Bewildered is now on Kindle Unlimited 

About Madison:

Madison Michael traded 28 years in Fortune 500 tech and management positions for a chance to spend her days with sassy heroines, sexy, rich heroes and nothing but happy endings. Growing up the daughter of a librarian, she learned to love books, especially classics and romances, and spent winters cuddled under blankets losing herself in books.

Madison is the author of three novels in the Beguiling Bachelor series, as well as several short stories. She is a member of Romance Writers of America.

After living in the northeast, southeast and the west, Maddy returned to her Midwest roots. She lives in Evanston, IL with two feline editorial assistants and great views of Chicago’s famous skyline.

Social Links:
Website: madisonmichael.net
Madison's Blog: madisonmichael.net/category/maddys-blog
Maddy's Romance Madness: madisonmichael.net/category/mrm/
Maddy's Tours and Treats: madisonmichael.net/category/tours-and-treats/
Facebook: facebook.com/madisonmichaelromance
Twitter: twitter.com/madisonmichael_
Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/Madison-Michael/e/B01EVUGG6G/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

Saturday, July 28, 2018

#GiveAway ~ @marylmartinez ~ Unforgettable Reads Blooming in Mary's Garden ~ Illusion by Mary Martinez

Unforgettable Reads Blooming in Mary's Garden
Mary Martinez 

Mary is giving away 2 $20 Amazon GC's and an ebook of Disappear during this tour. Mary's Cover designer, LDMGraphics.com is giving away one cover design for one lucky author. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember there is a chance for you to enter the giveaway every day. So join us all through the tour for fun posts, interviews, and prizes. You may find the locations to all the tour stops here.

The Beckett Series:

The Beckett’s have a strong sense of family and honor.
When one of their own is threatened, their bond is as strong as a badge of steel.

The Beckett Series Trailer: youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=h8LLRR5hfGU
The Beckett Series Website: marymartinez.com/the-beckett-series.html

The Beckett Series Book 1:

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2O95979

The Beckett Series Book 2

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2uEyX3i

The Beckett Series Book 3

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2O7r7Hz

The Beckett Series Book 4

Special Agent Reagan Beckett left Brooklyn for San Francisco ten years ago—and on bad terms with her family. When the World Banking Association (WBA), one of the biggest worldwide financial institutions, is targeted by domestic terrorists, Reagan is called to join the team with two others in New York City. Now she would be home for an extended visit.
Special Agent Paco Luis Perez has heard of the legendary Tyler Beckett and looks forward to working with the man on the assignment in New York. However, when he reads Beckett’s dossier on his flight from D.C., he discovers the Beckett he expected to meet isn’t Tyler.
NYPD Detective Spencer Alexander Williams III, a member of the gang terrorist task force, reluctantly agrees to consult on the domestic terrorist case as the local liaison. He has never liked working with a team; he learns more on his own. But they need his uncanny knack to anticipate the gang’s movements.
As soon as Reagan receives information on the assignment, she researches her new partners. But does she know enough to literally trust these men with her life?

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2O8tUAD

The Beckett Series Book 5

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2NAnyZE

The Beckett Series Book 6

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2Lsz6At


Watching Jenny

Hot on Jenny’s trail, Dan soon learns ‘Runner’ is not one of the usual suspects.

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Trailer: youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=a0Sn8dnNa3s
Website: marymartinez.com/watching-jenny.html
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2NBE37t


Classic Murder: Mr. Romance

Making a date with a billionaire can be murder.

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=y1SGCZXmxhM
Website: marymartinez.com/classic-murder-mr-romance.html
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2Nww2B2


Chick Magnet

He's recuperating from a devastating wreck.
She's recuperating from a broken heart.

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=aApYVIp957Y
Web Site: marymartinez.com/chick-magnet.html
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2Lr8foB


Romance and Misconceptions

Twin sisters. Two Billionaire Boyfriends. One big Misunderstanding

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=jJCEDtTqbSc
Website: marymartinez.com/romance-and-misconceptions.html
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2NyhwbK


Three Brides and A Dress

My journey is more of a zig zag than a top stitch along a straight seam as I search for the perfect bride who is my soul mate.

Genre: Women’s Fiction

Trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=06ypXHUeWmk
Website: marymartinez.com/three-brides-and-a-dress.html
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2NyhwbK


Four Sisters

It was the 60’s, she found love…
but started a war.

Genre: Women’s Fiction

Website: marymartinez.com/four-sisters.html
Amazon Buy Link: https://amzn.to/2LFtMXl

Mary's new covers were designed by LDMGraphics.com
~*~*~*~*~*~About the Author:

Mary and her husband love to travel, especially to the Caribbean for relaxing, and Italy for the wine. And most recently she discovered she was Irish and Scottish, of course they had to visit Ireland and Scotland. Mary fell in love with both, but the green hills of Ireland felt like home. With the experience from the exotic places she has visited, she is able to fill her books with colorful descriptions of cities, painting a colorful backdrop for her characters. One of her favorite US destinations is New York/Brooklyn, where her beloved Beckett's live. When she visits, she can wander their neighborhoods, favorite parks, and visit their favorite pub, Putnum's.

They are avid concert ‘Ho’s’! Yes, they pretty much want to do them all. They love outdoor amphitheaters the best and attend as many during the warmer months as possible.

Mary writes mostly romantic suspense, romance, women's fiction, and she has just begun to dabble in young adult mystery. She is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA). During her writing career she has been a conference coordinator, workshop presenter, and chapter president for the Utah Chapter of RWA. In 2007 she was presented with the Utah RWA service award in acknowledgment and appreciation for outstanding service. Mary has also participated in numerous library panels on writing and co-presented a workshop on writing a series at the League of Utah Writers conference.

Mary and her husband are also enthusiastic college football fans. They have season tickets to the UTES, University of Utah Football and they tailgate every game. They love tailgating so much, that they were married at a tailgating in 1999.

Mary's Social Media Links:

Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/Mary-Martinez/e/B006MWJ1T6
Website: marymartinez.com
Facebook: facebook.com/AuthorMaryMartinez
Twitter: twitter.com/marylmartinez
Instagram: instagram.com/mlmartinez3/
Goodreads: goodreads.com/author/show/1646623.Mary_Martinez
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCTww3B2ofa11UPFrSe0WGAg
Pinterest: pinterest.com/marylmartinez3
Mary’s Garden Blog: marysbooksblogger.blogspot.com
The After Work Cook: theafterworkcook.blogspot.com

Thursday, July 19, 2018

#Interview ~ Blood Instincts By Marie Lavender ~ @marielavender1

Blood Instincts

Blood at First Sight Book 2

By Marie Lavender

Interview with Marie Lavender:

Crystal: Today I have the pleasure of hosting Marie Lavender. Welcome Marie! I am so excited to have you here today.Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?

Marie: I am from the Midwest, from a pretty small town in Indiana. I have two cats, but I will likely have so many more once my fiancé and I live together (we’re cat people). I’ve been writing stories since I was nine years old, but before that point, they just played out in my head. I think I always wanted to be a published writer, to see my name on a book in a store or something. Not for fame or anything, but to be proud that I did, in fact, get there. That I touched lives somehow. I hope I have with my work.

I love beautiful scenery, and I hope to one day live in a beachside home with the love of my life. I am a fanatic online shopper, and it’s my dream to make it to Ireland to get it in touch with my roots one of these days.

Crystal: What are you currently working on?

Marie: I’ve been working on a romantic comedy, Chasing Ginger, which will be book one of The Misfits Series, a six-book set of tales about a group of zany friends and their romantic misadventures.

Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for either your current release or your current WIP?

Marie: My latest release is a paranormal romance/urban fantasy with a slightly futuristic angle. The novel is titled Blood Instincts, which is book two of the Blood at First Sight Series. I always planned to write the sequel to Second Nature, but when I was finally ready to focus on the story, the heroine Myah grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. It was so compelling to tell her tale, to wonder…what if you found out something really crazy about yourself, about your family even, something that didn’t make sense in the real world? How might you handle it? So, that’s where I took the story, and it turned out well!

Crystal: Do you have a favorite snack that you like to munch on while writing? If so, would you mind sharing what it is with us?

Marie: I can never say no to a piece of dark chocolate. Plus, I don’t mind pairing it with pretzels.

Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?

Marie: Sure! I love the moment when Oliver corners Myah. So sexy…it reminds me of that first kiss most of us experience, with a bit of the paranormal thrown in.

A chill ran down her spine. She removed her hands from her pockets and crossed her arms over her chest, glancing away.

“Cold? I could warm you, you know.”
She jumped, and realized he now stood right in front of her. She noticed the trunk was closed. He wasn’t kidding about his speed. And that fantastic spiced cologne was drugging her mind. She had to curb the urge to get closer. “Ah, thank you for the offer, but I think it’s best we don’t—”
“A curious thing, to be sure. Why do you deny yourself, Myah?”
She saw his white teeth flash in the dim lights of the parking space. “Deny…what?”
“Why deny what you clearly want?” He leaned forward, nipping her mouth with his fang. As blood welled over her lower lip, he sucked on it. A part of her was somehow aware he sealed the wound at the same time he created it. How was that possible? Tingles began in a place where they shouldn’t be. Oh God, why was he doing this to her?
He growled, “Mmm…an ambrosia unlike any other. Do you know how sweet you taste?”
She shivered. This time, it wasn’t from the weather. It took every ounce of resolve to keep from leaning into his body.
“I remember when we kissed. Now I wonder how you taste everywhere else. Only in my dreams have I imagined it.”
She felt lightheaded, like this was a fantasy she should wake from but couldn’t. “Please,” she whispered. “We really shouldn’t.”
“I know you want this, Myah.”
Swallowing hard, she shook her head. “No. I promise you I don’t.”
His eyes flashed, with anger this time. “You’re lying. I smell your arousal, sweetheart.” How was it even possible? These pet names of his might be insults after all. She managed, “J-just because we, uh, we had one date and shared a kiss doesn’t mean—” “No, not in every case. But I’m right, yes?” He all but crowded her against the car, then glanced down for a split second before he looked in her eyes. “I could take you in no time, do you realize that? I might be up your skirt, have those perfect legs wrapped around me, and I’d be buried inside that sweet honey in less time than it would take for you to figure out a way to deny us both. But, here’s the thing. You won’t fight me at all. How do I know? I just do. A male knows when a woman wants him. A vampire’s sense of smell is stronger than you can imagine. It’s a disadvantage sometimes. Now? It tells me you want what I can give to you…”
Oliver cocked his head for a moment. “Besides, I distinctly remember you inviting me into your place, right? That wasn’t a lie.”
She trembled. God help her, her body grew warm at the taunting tone, his nearness a drug. He smelled delicious, exotic with a hint of spice and a scent like oranges. She thought it must be the most potent aphrodisiac on the planet.
“Don’t pretend you’re not feeling something.”
His voice was deep, low, and unbelievably hypnotic. After a moment, she realized she’d leaned toward him, as if desperate for a kiss. She forced herself to snap out of it. Except that was when he wrapped an arm around her and drew her breasts up to his chest. His large, hard body consumed her.
“Myah, look at me. No…look at me.”
She gazed in his blue eyes, unable to glance away for composure.
“You know I’d never hurt you. I can’t. You must know the truth by now. But, this force will draw us together regardless of what happens. Don’t you realize I would give anything to kiss you again, to touch you, to taste you? Everywhere?”
She whimpered as his mouth hovered over hers. She could almost taste him, a dark and minty scent. Why was it so hard to turn away from this man…vampire? He was right about her wanting him. She probably wouldn’t fight him at all if he made a move.

Crystal: When you are not busy writing wonderful stories to keep us lucky readers entertained, what do you like to do? Do you have a hobby?

Marie: I read romance novels, listen to music, and watch TV shows or movies. I’m also currently on a kick where I play phone apps in my free time. I do Words with Friends, or enjoy playing Mahjongg or hidden object games.

Crystal: Do you have a favorite background noise you like to have going while you write (TV, Music, kids playing)?

Marie: Mostly, I write in silence, unless the scene requires music to set the mood. For historical stories, sometimes I’ll play music from the time period. Or, in the case of modern tales, I’ll listen to music that the character likes.

Crystal: Thanks for visiting. It has been a pleasure having you visit today. Can you think of anything else you would like to share with us today?

Marie: Thanks so much for inviting me! Readers can find out more about me on my official author website, subscribe to my three blogs, connect with me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+, or join my monthly newsletter for updates.

About Blood Instincts:
What if you found out that you weren’t exactly…human?

Enter the Other World at your own risk…
What if you found out that you weren’t exactly…human?
Myah Sullivan is suddenly living that nightmare. There are Others in the world, dangerous, supernatural creatures that make her mind spin and cause her to question the reality she’s always known.

Oliver King is her savior, a vampire who tries to show her the way. Through her journey she learns far more than she ever thought she would about herself, and about the past. Soon, she discovers that there is so much more to meeting Oliver than mere happenstance.

Can Myah accept her new reality, or will she retreat into that normal, safe world she once thought was her own?

Genre:  Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy (with a Futuristic Angle)
Release Date:  May 30, 2018

Purchase Links:

About Marie Lavender:

Multi-genre author of Victorian romance, UPON YOUR RETURN, and 23 other books. UPON YOUR LOVE and THE MISSING PIECE placed in the TOP 10 on the 2017 P&E Readers' Poll. DIRECTIONS OF THE HEART was nominated for the 2017 Reader's Choice Awards. The I Love Romance Blog became a finalist in StartDating DK's Romance Blog Awards of 2017. ILRB landed on Feedspot’s 2017 TOP 100 Novel Blogs and TOP 100 Romance Blogs. DIRECTIONS OF THE HEART placed in the TOP 10 Books of 2017 on Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews blog. TOP 20 Authors of 2017 on Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews blog. Mystery Blogger Award for 2017. A to Z Blog Challenge Survivor in 2016. March 2016 Empress of the Universe title - winner of the "Broken Heart" themed contest and the "I Love You" themed contest on Poetry Universe. SECOND CHANCE HEART and A LITTLE MAGICK placed in the TOP 10 on the 2015 P&E Readers' Poll. Nominated in the TRR Readers' Choice Awards for Winter 2015. Poetry winner of the 2015 PnPAuthors Contest. The Versatile Blogger Award for 2015. Honorable Mention in the 2014 BTS Red Carpet Book Awards. Finalist and Runner-up in the 2014 MARSocial's Author of the Year Competition. Honorable mention in the January 2014 Reader's Choice Award. Liebster Blogger Award for 2013, 2014 and 2016. 2013 and 2014 Amazon Bestseller Ranking for UPON YOUR RETURN. Top 10 Authors on AuthorsDB.com. Winner of the Great One Liners Contest on the Directory of Published Authors.

Marie Lavender lives in the Midwest with her family and three cats. She has been writing for a little over twenty-five years. She has more works in progress than she can count on two hands. Since 2010, Marie has published 24 books in the genres of historical romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, dramatic fiction, fantasy, science fiction, mystery/thriller, literary fiction and poetry. She has also contributed to several anthologies. Her current published series are The Heiresses in Love Series, The Eternal Hearts Series, The Magick Series, The Code of Endhivar Series and The Blood at First Sight Series.

Social Media Links:

Official Website: http://marielavender.com/
Blogs: http://iloveromanceblog.wordpress.com/

Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/marie.lavender.58

Amazon author page: http://Author.to/MarieLavender

Sign up for Marie’s Newsletter: http://bit.ly/1g3wO13