by Kerry Adrienne
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Crystal: Today I have the pleasure of hosting Kerry Adrienne.Welcome Kerry! I'm so excited to have you here today. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?
Kerry: Hi, I’m Kerry Adrienne. I’m a stay at home mom who homeschools my youngest daughter, and I have two daughters in college. I also have a houseful of pets—seven cats, a panther chameleon, a gecko, and a lionhead bunny. I have a fun little car—a Mini Cooper Convertible—and I spend a lot of time driving up and around the lake nearby, just listening to music and plotting.
Crystal: What are you currently working on?
Kerry: I’m on deadline for a shifter book for Carina Press.
Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for for either your current release or your current WIP?
Kerry: My new release, Storm Damaged, with Loose Id, came from my enjoyment of being at the beach. I’ve always loved mermaids so writing a book featuring them seemed like a fun idea. It’s really a mermaid-lite book—most of the book takes place on land.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite snack that like to munch on while writing? If so would you mind sharing what it is with us?
Kerry: I love to pop M&Ms while working, but obviously that isn’t ideal, so I don’t do it all the time.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?
Kerry: Here’s an excerpt!
And if Chase was going to come into her shop, she’d take full advantage of it—absorb every detail of his sexy self to round out her fantasies. In her head, she’d written at least fifty romance novels with him starring as the hero. Steamy sexy romances, with her as the heroine. The Mermaid and the Millionaire, Shells in the Sand, Once Upon an Ocean…
She jerked her head up. “Yeah?” Crap. She’d been busted while fantasizing again.
Chase straightened the last suction cup in the box. “Well…”
“You done there? Wanna sweep too?”
Apparently, the man couldn’t resist. He had to help out, no matter if he was asked to or not. Mr. OCD Protector hot man diver. She stifled a smile. Hot.
He shook his head and folded the box closed. “No need to sweep till after the storm. Where do you want this?”
“I don’t care. Set it on that top shelf by the plates, I guess.” She realized she wasn’t being nice, but she couldn’t help herself. Chase’s news of the big bad was stressing her out.
“I want to know what the news is. Spit it out.”
Chase pushed the box onto the top shelf, then stuck his hands in his pockets and looked at the floor. She knew his face well enough to imagine his bright green eyes narrowing with whatever stress this bad news was causing. She remembered the panic during the accident. She studied his thick muscles and the tentacle tattoo that wound its way up from his wrist to his left bicep and then disappeared under his snug T-shirt. His other arm boasted some type of navy diver tattoo, faded and smudged. The one time he’d gripped her he’d almost lost his life.
And he didn’t remember any of it.
“Rent isn’t going up.” He stepped closer to the display case and picked up a sand dollar from the wooden bin on top. As he turned the white disk over, it broke in half, and dusty fragments spilled into the air and onto the counter. He winced. “I’m selling the bar and moving west. Leaving the island for good.”
Mari’s stomach lurched and she steadied herself against the glass case, staring at the mess on the counter. Moving? “Why?” she asked, her voice a quarter-octave higher than normal. One of her main reasons for staying in the little coastal village was to spy on him. Erm, watch him. Ogle him. Pretend he loved her the way she loved him. “Why sell the bar? Why leave? I thought you loved it here.” Oh, no, buddy. You aren’t leaving me. I saved your ass and you are my “Plus One” from now on.
“I gotta get out of this little town and away from the ocean.” He gripped the sand-dollar fragments. “Tired of storms and water and reliving bad memories.”
“Your brother…”
“My brother is dead.”
“But wouldn’t he want you to stay?” Chase had loved his brother and had taken his death hard. Now he wanted to move. Well, that wouldn’t solve anything. Was it her business, though? Her mother had always said Mari lacked tact. Maybe she was right.
Chase grunted but didn’t respond.
“I mean, wouldn’t he want you to run the bar? It was his dream too. A beach bar, right on the sand.” Sweat dampened her palms and she wiped them against her jeans’ legs. She’d never been outspoken with Chase, but she couldn’t let him walk out of her life when he should be swimming alongside her.
“Luke’s gone, Mari. And I’m moving to Kansas and buying a farm. Or possibly Montana. Hell, maybe I’ll buy a mine and become a miner if I have enough money. I don’t know exactly where I’ll go or what I’ll end up doing, but I do know it will be far, far away from the ocean. I don’t even want to be near a lake.” He dropped the remaining pieces of the sand dollar onto the counter and dusted off his hands. “Sorry about that.” He nodded at the mess. “Let me know what I owe you.”
“You owe me more of an explanation.” Mari could feel her nostrils flaring, and her face was probably as pink as her T-shirt. But she needed Chase. Not his building for her store, but his presence.
Crystal: When you are not busy writing wonderful stories to keep us lucky readers entertained, what do you like to do? Do you have a hobby?
Kerry: I love to sew, and do most any kinds of crafts. I paint and draw, play guitar, and of course, love to read!
Crystal: Do you have a favorite background noise you like to having going while you write (TV, Music, kids playing)?
Kerry: I listen to music (but not always). Marilyn Manson, Green Day…

In a world where humans don’t know mermaids exist, Mari leaves her home in the ocean to escape her mother, her betrothed, and her tribe’s expectations in order to make a go of independence on land. Chase, former Navy diver and self-appointed curmudgeon-who-isn’t-worthy-of-love, lost his brother in a freak diving accident and now fears the ocean he once loved.
When a hurricane threatens, they have to work together to save everything they've worked so hard to build. With Mari's betrothed on the rampage over a centuries-old vendetta, the storm isn't the worst thing they'll have to face.
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Release Date: January 26, 2016
Publisher: Loose Id
Print Length: 231 pages
Format: Digital
Digital ISBN: 978-1-68252-044-4
Amazon | LooseId | Kobo | ARe
~*~*~*~*~*~*~Read an Excerpt:
Mari’s lower lip trembled and she rubbed her palms against her knees and looked back toward Inna. She was in trouble.
Big trouble.
Inna stood, unmoving, and staring at her. She reached to her throat, but words had dried on her tongue. She shook her head as tears sprang to her eyes. This couldn’t be happening. Not now. Not when she was finally getting Chase to relax. Not when she thought things were finally getting better. Not when she’d finally pushed her betrothal out of her mind, at least for the moment.
Mari looked from Chase to Inna, then back to Chase. What to do? What to say? The only way this situation could be worse was if Inna saw everything… Oh gods, how long had he been watching?
He’d kill them both.
“He’s been watching.” Had she spoken aloud, or was her mind screaming? She blinked away the tears and wiped away the trails on her cheeks. It felt like her frightened heart had expanded and she couldn’t breathe. Inna was going to kill them.
Chase jerked upright. “He couldn’t have seen anything inside the cart. It’s okay. He didn’t see anything.”
The setting sun streamed across the park, casting long shadows of rides onto the empty beach like an invading army of giant insects. Inna’s thick shadow moved swiftly along the ground. One thing was for sure, Inna had seen enough to be pissed.
He was headed directly for them.
About Kerry Adrienne:

In addition to writing, Kerry loves to sew (costumes and cosplay, especially), draw, paint, make chainmail, and play guitar.
Her new love is her Mini Cooper Convertible, Sheldon, and they have already gone on many adventures. They travel to as many concerts as they can–especially Green Day and Marilyn Manson.
You can visit her much-neglected costuming blog here: Maybe she’ll have time to update it soon.
Repped by the fabulous Marisa Corvisiero with the Corvisiero Literary Agency.
Connect with Kerry:
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Great excerpt & I love your purple hair!!---Rae