Jane (Meredith) has been through so much and has so much fear she is dealing with. She will do anything to protect her young son. I love this mother's dedication to her child and what she has done to protect him.
Hutch is injured while he is serving our country. He spends quite a bit of time in the hospital and then is released to go home. He is in for a few surprises! First of all he has a roommate that he didn't know about. He has an adorable niece that is need of time with her uncle. There are a few other things but I sure do not want to spoil the suspense of this story for you. So I'm going to let you read it to find out what all Hutch has to deal with upon his return.
Meredith and Hutch set a few ground rules in order to live together. The biggest is NO TOUCHING EVER! It's not long and they both would like to throw this rule out the door. Hutch still has some major issues to deal with but he's a great guy. I couldn't help but adore this guy. He is so sweet to the kids and they take quickly to Unca Hutch.
Lori Wilde has done a fabulous job with this storyline. She has touched on many issues that made for a interesting and touching read. It talks about the trauma of soldier who has been wounded and is finally returning home. Mental illness that runs in the family and how that affects the life of the other members of the family. It also touches on spouse abuse and how it affects the person and the children. There is also a lot of drama but I don't want to tell you too much about that. There is few twists and turns that I did not see coming and left me flipping pages to see what was going to happen next. This is a very emotional read but also had some very sweet moments.
This is part of the the Twilight, Texas series, however it is easily read as a stand alone. I have not had a chance to read all the books in the series yet. I didn't encounter any issues of feeling I was missing anything I needed to know to enjoy the story.
If you enjoy small town romance series books with a lot of drama and suspense included you will love this book. I know I certainly did.
I was given the opportunity to read this book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Christmas at Twilight.
You may find more of my reviews on Lori Wilde's work here...
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I love the holiday books, my list is so long I will be reading well into July---Rae