I knew when I met Imogene George in the first book that I liked her. She is strong, independent, and doesn't want to put anyone out. I really admired this young lady for the courage she found to try to help her friend's brother Peter. However she she finds out that Peter has another option she backs out, in the hopes that Peter will find a young lady to love without her problems. She doesn't want Peter to have to deal with her blindness.
I have to admit that I did not like Peter Watson at all in the first book. I thought he was a little on the selfish side. However after reading Miss George's Second Chance, I found an all new fondness for Peter. I really enjoyed seeing his sweet, kind, caring, and protective side when he is with Imogene.
I loved watching these two finding their way back together. This time, not out of convenience, but love. I really don't want to tell you too much but when Imogene and Peter are at the beach and how he reacts has to be one of my very favorite scenes. Peter is a true gentleman. I have to say that this book left me with one of those warm fuzzy feelings. I just loved it.
As you know if you have read some of my other reviews of Heather Boyd's work, I am a HUGE fan. I love her writing style and this book is another example of her talent. I can not wait to see what is next in this series. I know I will be impatiently awaiting the release of the next Miss Mayhem Novella series. This is a short story, that you may be able to read in one setting. I was able to read it in a very short period of time. I was quickly flipping pages though because I could not wait to see what was going to happen with Imogene and Peter.
If you are already a fan of Ms. Boyd's work then, hurry, click the link and go grab a copy of this book. If you have never read her work before then you too need to hurry and click the link to grab a copy of this book and get a good taste of why Ms. Boyd is on my must read list.
I was given the opportunity to read this book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always is has been my pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Miss George's Second Chance.
Thanks for the review, your enthusiasm speaks highly of this author's works!