Amanda Holiday is expecting their first child any day while her husband is deployed. Amanda is ready though, her best friend has stepped up to the roll of birthing coach. She has taken her role seriously and checks on Amanda several times a day. I thought this was so sweet. She wants to make sure she is there and ready when Amanda and the new little one need her. Amanda has already went a few days over her due date, so the little one could choose to make an appearance at any moment.
Luke, Amanda's husband, is in a sticky situation of his own. I don't want to tell you exactly what is happening to Luke but it sure does add some serious suspense to the story.
When Amanda finally goes in labor she is in for a HUGE surprise. She gets the one thing she really wants as she is about to deliver her baby. Once again I don't want to give away the surprise. It is a good one though.
Ms. Baird has once again written a wonderfully sweet romantic story just in time for Valentine's Day. If you are looking for a sweet short story to sweeten your Valentine's Day I suggest you pick this one up. If you are a fan of Ginny Baird I know you are going to love her latest masterpiece. If you have never read her work, grab Special Delivery, I think you will enjoy it.
Special Delivery
This sounds like a really sweet Valentine's Day story. I am going to have to add this one to my list :)