A Baron for Becky
By Jude Knight
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Book Blurb:
She was a fallen woman when she met them. How can they help her fall on her feet?
Becky is the envy of the courtesans of the demi-monde - the indulged mistress of the wealthy and charismatic Marquis of Aldridge. But she dreams of a normal life; one in which her daughter can have a future that does not depend on beauty, sex, and the whims of a man.
Finding herself with child, she hesitates to tell Aldridge. Will he cast her off, send her away, or keep her and condemn another child to this uncertain shadow world?
The devil-may-care face Hugh shows to the world hides a desperate sorrow; a sorrow he tries to drown with drink and riotous living. His years at war haunt him, but even more, he doesn't want to think about the illness that robbed him of the ability to father a son. When he dies, his barony will die with him. His title will fall into abeyance, and his estate will be scooped up by the Crown.
When Aldridge surprises them both with a daring proposition, they do not expect love to be part of the bargain.
Genre: Regency romance, historical romance
Heat rating: R for implied sexual content, 2 out of 5 flames
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The maid must have added a fresh log to the fire just before they arrived. The top was still uncharred, but flames licked up from the bed of hot embers. A twig that jutted from one side suddenly flared, turned black, and shrivelled. The bottom of the log began to glow red.
The duchess spoke again, startling Becky out of her flame-induced trance.
“What do you want for your daughter, Mrs Darling?”
“A better life,” Becky said, suddenly fierce. “A chance to be respectable. A life that does not depend on the whims of a man.”
“The first two may be achievable,” the duchess said, dryly. “The third is unlikely in the extreme. And you expect my son to help you to this goal, I take it.”
Becky was suddenly tired of polite circling. “I was saving so that I could leave this life; start again in another place under another name. But my last protector cheated me and stole from me.
“I do what I must, Your Grace. Should I have killed myself when I was disgraced? I had no skills anyone wanted to buy. I could play the piano, a little; sew, but others were faster and better; paint, but indifferently; parse a Latin sentence, but not well. Should I have starved in the gutter where they threw me?
“Well, I wasn’t given that choice. Those who took me from the gutter knew precisely what I had that others would pay for. As soon as I could, I began selling it for myself, and I Will. Not. Be. Ashamed.”
Her vehemence did not ruffle the duchess’s calm. “We all do what we must, my dear. I am not judging you. Men have the power in this world, and we women of the gentry are raised to depend on them for our survival. But you must know that Aldridge cannot offer marriage to a woman with your history.”
Author bio:

Jude Knight is the pen name of Judy Knighton. After a career in commercial writing, editing, and publishing, Jude is returning to her first love, fiction. Her novella, Candle’s Christmas Chair, was released in December 2014, and is in the top ten on several Amazon bestseller lists in the US and UK. Her first novel Farewell to Kindness, was released on 1 April, and is first in a series: The Golden Redepennings.
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and flipping pages a quickly as I could.
Becky has been abused, used for other's pleasure, sold, payment for debts, and a kept woman. Her joy and main priority in life is her daughter Sarah. I found myself admiring Becky for doing her best to keep her daughter safe and well cared for. She has done and will do anything for her daughter's well being.
Sarah is a sweet charming little girl that doesn't know about her mother's life. She has been well sheltered and adored.
Marquis of Aldridge is a handsome, charming, a playboy with the reputation to prove it, and under all that a gentle caring man. When Aldridge takes Becky under his protection he promises to keep her and Sarah safe and without a want in the world. I loved watching Aldridge interact with Sarah. It showed her sweet side. Aldridge may not be cutout to be faithful at this time but he is kind and caring with Becky.
Aldridge and Hugh Overton have been friends and fellow playboys for a long time. Hugh has a depth that isn't revealed right away. He has been through so much and has so much sadness in his heart. He loves his step-daughters very much. My first impression of Hugh didn't fit as the story progressed.
This is quite a story and a very enjoyable read. There are dramatic moments that left me holding my breath. Sweet moments that put that lovely awe feeling in my heart A few of those sweet moments that can only be seen through the eyes of the children in the story. Then there were emotional moments that had me dabbing my eyes. There are a few twist and turns that I was surprised and impressed with. Overall I would recommend A Baron for Becky to any historical romance fan.
I enjoyed Jude Knight's writing style. She has created characters that have charisma, charm, and depth. I really enjoyed meeting each of them. I know I would certainly enjoy reading more of her work in the future.
I was given the opportunity to read this great story so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on A Baron for Becky.
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Thank you, Crystal. I'm touched by your review, and delighted to be visiting your blog.