December Wedding
by Emelle Gamble
Emelle will be awarding a $20 Amazon GC plus a digital copy of December Wedding to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during this tour and the Review Tour, here. Please visit the other tour stops to increase your chances of winning. You may find those locations here.~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Crystal: Today I have the pleasure of hosting Emelle Gamble.She has so kindly agreed to answer a few questions. Welcome Emelle! I always love when you have a chance to stop by and share your work with us. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?
Emelle: I’ve been a writer since I first thought the words, “what if….?”, which I think happened very early on. I am a California girl who now lives in the greater Washington DC area, happily married for over 30 years, and the joys of my life are my two children and their families, writing, and Bella and Lucy, two orange rescue cats who make me laugh everyday.
Crystal: What are you currently working on?
Emelle: I am just about done with a romantic suspense novel called KISS ME TWICE. It’s about memory and love and change. It’s a return to my roots, as I started writing romantic suspense with Harlequin in the 1990s.
Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for either your current release or the WIP you are working on now?
Emelle: A book I’ve finished but not yet published is called THRILL GIRL. It’s a noir mystery, which takes place in Los Angeles in 1951. I grew up in the LA area, worked there, and the atmosphere of the Wilshire Blvd. and 6 Street Area always felt like a movie set to me. Celebrity sightings, beautifully dressed women, big cars. It inspired me to do a big book with those elements…and a couple of more. Think Bogie and Bacall and noir intrigue.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite snack that like to munch on while writing? If so would you mind sharing what it is with us?
Emelle: I’ll eat anything salty when I’m writing, which I’m sure is the worst thing you can do, because then you just want to drink. And sometimes, depending on the writing, you want to drink wine instead of water, and then the writing gets weird. HA! Too much information?
Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?
Emelle: Here’s one from KISS ME TWICE…
Jill scanned the mail as she stopped in the kitchen. Two bills. A letter from the community college where she taught. A thick packet from Friends House addressed to ‘Gill Farrel’.
There was also a heavy cream paper envelope, addressed correctly. The return address said Pandora Security, with a Beverly Hills address.
“Crap.” Jill went back and checked the locks on the front door, then flipped on the kitchen light and turned on the tea kettle.
She sat and opened the envelope. Inside the single sheet was handwritten.
Hello Jill.
Andrew said he spoke to you but that you weren’t very glad to see him. This doesn’t surprise me.
However, it is imperative I speak to you. There is an important matter we must discuss before the reunion begins.
Call me tonight.
I am happy to hear you are teaching, and so sorry to hear about your mother. -Grace Denton
A cell phone number was printed carefully below her signature.
“Crap,” Jill repeated. She stuck the letter back in the envelope and stared at it. There’s no stamp. Which meant someone other than the post man had stuck it in her mailbox today while she was out.
The tea kettle hissed and a chill skittered down her back. A second later the doorbell rang. Jill nearly jumped out of the chair. She put her hand to her throat. This isn’t a horror movie. Get a grip.
She got up to answer the door as her anger flared.
If it was Andrew again she was going to have him arrested for postal felonies, or whatever the crime was for people messing with other people’s mailbox.
And if it’s Grace?
Jill blinked and hit the front porch light and looked through the peephole. Please don’t be Grace.
It wasn’t. There was a man on her front porch.
He wore a dark sports coat and jeans. Relaxed and in profile, he was looking out at the street instead of at the door. His dark hair was long and curled around his collar.
It wasn’t Andrew Denton.
It was a man she had not laid eyes on for fifteen years, but Jill realized instantly she would recognize the curve of his face as long as she lived.
It was Max Kallstrom.
Crystal: Since we have just celebrated so many of the winter holidays, do you have a favorite holiday? It doesn't have to be a winter holiday.
Emelle: I hate winter. There, I said it, and I mean it. I’m a California girl and I do not like snow, sleet, freezing rain, bare trees or cold win. Hence, I’m not a huge fan of holidays occurring in this weather, although since my son was born on Christmas Day, I’d have to say that is my favorite.
Crystal: When you are not busy writing wonderful stories to keep us lucky readers entertained, what do you like to do? Do you have a hobby?
Emelle: No. I write. Barely keep up with everything else. Can hardly do any reading for fun. The closest I get to a hobby is watching Property Brothers on HGTV, which I do to unwind after that night’s writing.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite background noise you like to have going while you write (TV, Music, kids playing)?
Emelle: Nope. Need quiet. But I’ll play Bob Dylan for inspiration.
Crystal: Thanks for visiting. I always adore having you on my blog. Can you think of anything else you would like to share with us today?
Emelle: Thank you so very much for having me Crystal. I love your blog. You always ask interesting questions, and do such a service for readers and authors. Thank you for your love of books and writers…we all love you back! Now readers, tell me, what’s your favorite part about a romantic suspense novel…the plot or the relationship?

“Hello, Dr. Morales,” a woman called out.
Cruz stopped and looked to his right. In the side yard, at a small teak table where the gardener did the potting, a dark haired woman sat smiling at him. She was glossy and pretty, wearing an acid yellow dress. He recognized her from the TV.
The reporter. Diane something.
“Hi.” He walked over and extended his hand. “Call me Cruz.”
“Nice to meet you, Cruz. I’m Diane Kinsey.” They shook hands.
“I know. Have you finished with the interview?” He let his arms relax at his side, aware the woman was cataloguing everything about him. Dusty jeans. Old boots. Hair that needed cutting. Good thing she can’t see the titanium plate in my skull, he thought.
“Just about. The crew is doing some lighting work, but I’m done grilling your lady, until tomorrow. I’m sure you’re relieved to hear that.”
Cruz’s neck tightened at the woman’s use of ‘your lady’. “Very relieved.”
“I wanted to be the first to tell you that we made some news today. Molly acknowledged that you’re her baby daddy. She said she’ll confirm you are the father when we film the final interview,” Diane said. “I guess congratulations are in order.”
“She did?” All his defenses went up. Molly warned himt she might give the news to the press, but he wondered if the woman was trying to trick him.
“Scout’s honor.” Diane stood and crossed her heart quickly and then held-up her hand. “You already have a child, don’t you? Jesse, is it? Does he live with you and Molly?”
“I’m not answering questions about my son,” Cruz said.
“Oh, okay. Sorry.” She smiled brightly. “I just asked for background, to fill out the story in my mind. I know you never married Jesse’s mother…” she paused, “did you?”
“No comment.”
“Oh come on, it’s public record. I could check.”
“Be my guest.” Cruz narrowed his eyes. “But keep my son out of your story.”
“Oh, of course. I already promised Molly I would. I’m a mother myself, and I understand how you both feel.”
Cruz crossed his arms across his massive chest. He knew his size and the scar that ran along the left side of his face were intimidating to people. Sometimes it bothered him.
Today it didn’t.
He waited.
Diane took a deep breath. “I am a little bit upset, however, that Molly won’t admit that the wedding she’s having here next weekend is yours. That would be such fun news for her fans to share!”
Cruz cracked the knuckles on his left hand and stared at the journalist. “We’re not getting married next weekend.”
“No?” Diane smiled provocatively. “Would you tell me if you were?”
“Well then, can you tell me who is getting married here? Bake Glory bakery swears they’re delivering a wedding cake next Friday. And Lana Del Ray’s people say she’s singing at a private engagement in Montecito during Thanksgiving weekend. So someone important is getting married around here.”
“No comment.”
Diane laughed. “You’ve got that down, Cruz. Care to wager how many times you’ve had to say that since Molly divorced Ben Delmonico?”
“Too many.” His voice was harsh, too harsh, Molly would chide. The woman had flinched at his tone and volume.
Cruz cleared his throat, reminding himself that since he’d recovered from the accident, the anger he felt at the invasion of his privacy had to be controlled. He just had to slow his brain down, relax.
Molly could handle these jackals, but so could he. He just had to remember not to get emotional. “It was nice to meet you, Diane. Do a great job with your story. Molly worked very hard on her new movie, and she’s excited to be talking about it. I’d like you to remember, if you can, that she tires easily these days.”
“Of course I will. You love her very much, don’t you?” Diane took two small steps closer and crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s written all over you. I’m happy to see that, too. Molly suffered so much these past couple of years, thanks to that snake she was married to. She deserves to finally have a man like you.”
Cruz didn’t believe the woman cared at all about Molly. She was baiting him. He wasn’t going to bite and give her a quote about his feelings for Molly that she would cheapen by sharing with the world.
“Have a good day.” Cruz nodded and began to walk away.
“Cruz, is it by any chance Molly’s brother who is getting married next Friday?” Diane asked suddenly.
Cruz turned slowly and stared at her. “What brother?” It was the wrong thing to say, he realized too late.
“Molly said she was hosting a family event. But she doesn’t have much family, does she? So if it’s a wedding…”
Cruz blinked, but said nothing.
“When she said that, it didn’t make any sense to me. Because her only brother, Jason, is already married, right? Does Molly have another brother we don’t know about?” Diane’s green eyes glowed.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Emelle Gamble Bio : Emelle Gamble became a writer at an early age. As ‘M.L. Gamble,’ she published several romantic suspense novels with Harlequin Intrigue. She is now self-publishing and also working with Soul Mate Publishing who have released two romantic women’s fiction novels, Secret Sister, in July of 2013, and Dating Cary Grant, an April 2014 release.
Always intrigued by the words ‘what if’, Gamble’s books feature an ordinary woman confronted with an extraordinary situation. Emelle celebrates the adventurous spirit of readers, and hopes each will enjoy the exciting and surprising journeys her characters take.
Emelle welcomes any reader interested in emailing her at and hopes they will visit her website, , her FaceBook page: or follow her on Twitter @EmelleGamble.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Nice excerpt
ReplyDeleteHi Crystal! Great blog and thank you again for hosting. Curtis, I appreciate you liking the excerpt. Try the book and let me know what you think!
ReplyDeleteHi Emelle! It is my honor to host today. I am always happy to have you stop by.
DeleteCurtis, I agree great excerpt! I can't wait to read the book because it sounds awesome!
Great excerpt. Really a fascinating tease for the story I loved it.
ReplyDeletethanks MomJane. Happy New Years to you and yours...and I hope you get a chance to read the entire story. XXX
DeleteI enjoyed the interview.
ReplyDelete"lovely Rita, meter-maid"...sorry, you know I always hear the Beatles song when I hear your name! good luck in the drawing!
DeleteWow rafflecopter worked for the first time in 2 months must of been the really good excerpt posted!!Emelle you know I love your books and can't wait to read a printed version of December wedding!
ReplyDeleteHey PT Clayton..thanks for the lovely words. Yes, it is an interesting excerpt, I think. XXX good luck in the drawing.
DeleteKiss Me Twice looks really good. Great interview!
ReplyDeletethanks Teena. Keep an eye out at my facebook page and you'll get a chance to win a free one. Good luck here too! XXX
DeleteI like reading the book excerpt, Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI've read 4 of your books & loved all of them. It's hard to decide if December Wedding or Secret Sister is my favorite. I do know that Cruz is my favorite guy! I was happy with the outcome of December Wedding, but I did want another 100 pages. If you come up with a short story about where they are 5 years later, I'd read it. I promise.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading your interview today. And looking forward to seeing your WIP hit the shelves too!
ReplyDeleteLoved the excerpt...can't wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteinformative post
ReplyDeleteIt was nice to find out more about Emelle.
ReplyDeleteIt is my honor :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm double posting...don't see my comment...anyway, nice to read more about Emelle...already read and enjoyed Christmas Wedding but the gift card would be nice to help feed my addiction to books!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the excerpt. A good peak at the characters and hat is happening in the story. A good hook.
ReplyDeleteThe plot or the relationship? I tend to look to the plot as most important. They do build and feed off each other. If a story doesn't have a good, strong plot it won't be fulfilling, no matter what the relationship is.
ReplyDeleteToo bad you don't like cold weather. Despite the drawbacks, it does have bright spots. Walks in quiet, snow covered woods are wonderful.