Never a Gentleman is another fine example to showcase the talent that Ms. Boyd has. I was completely hooked on this book from the beginning to end.
Daniel Wellham leads a very dangerous secret life that makes it very hard to let other people in. However he takes a chance on his attraction to Victor Knight. Victor leads a very hectic life that most people don't understand. He's a very busy banker and has a lot of responsibility that he takes very seriously.
These two gentleman take a chance on each other and become involved. They are quickly steaming things up a bit a the club and Victor's apartment. Neither of them wants to share a whole about the problems in their lives. They quickly grow closer and closer and then something happens that causes a bit of a problem for them. If they are going to be able to make this relationship work they have a few things they must over come first.
Daniel has a dangerous life that leads to plenty of drama and suspense in the story. I don't want to give away too much. I will tell you that I was on the edge of my seat at times wondering how Daniel was going to get himself out of each mess.
Victor also has a problem that leads to some drama and reveals some unsuspected evil plans by someone that he knows.
Over all this is one really hot, steamy historical male romance with a lot of drama and suspense thrown in as well.
Heather Boyd is one of those authors that can write a historical romance story that instantly grabs my attention and hangs on to it all the way though. I always enjoy her books and I will be anxiously awaiting her next release.
I was given the opportunity to read this book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Never a Gentleman.
You may read more of my reviews on Heather Boyd's work here.
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