Part of the BLOOD BROTHERS series.
by Rebecca Zanetti
Noni is a very strong, independent lady that stands up for herself and protects her family. She does her best until something drastic happens. Her newborn niece is kidnapped by the no good, rotten, gang banger father. Noni wants her niece back safe and sound. So she lets it be known she is looking for Denver Jones.
Denver and his brothers have lived a very rough and tumbled life. They are always on alert for those that wish to harm them. I don't want to tell you too much about that but there are evil people after Denver and his brothers. Even with the danger Denver goes to Noni and gets her to safety. Then he goes on the hunt for her little niece. All the while those strong feelings of attraction between Denver and Noni are growing stronger by the moment.
There are so many people that Denver, Noni, his brothers, and their significate others are in danger from. Around every corner there is another obstacle that puts them in danger, or changes how they have to deal with each problem. They all work incredibly well together and I loved how Denver's family quickly welcomes Noni and her niece into their family.
There is drama, suspense, mystery, action, a few really hot and steamy scenes, wonderful family interaction, and no good rotten people that just might get what they have coming to them.
There is plenty going on in this story that I could not put it down. I read it in two sittings because I just had to know what Denver and Noni were going to have to face next and how they were going to get out the dangerous situations they were in. I also had to find out how in the world they were ever going to get Noni's niece back with all the interference that is happening each time they get close to her.
Overall this is an incredible story that I truly enjoyed. If you enjoy a heart-pounding drama-filled romantic suspense then you really have to grab this one. This is the third book in the series but I think it could be read as a stand-alone. I have read book two and three now and I did OK with missing book one. If you have a chance to grab all three go for it! I think you will enjoy them all.
I was given the opportunity to read this incredible story and it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you.
You may find my other review of Rebecca Zanetti's work here
Q&A with Rebecca Zanetti:
Crystal: I'm honored to have Rebecca Zanetti do a quick Q&A today. Please don't mind me while I fangirl over here for a few minutes.
Rebecca: Thanks for having me over today to celebrate the release of Twisted Truths!
Rebecca: Thanks for having me over today to celebrate the release of Twisted Truths!
Q: Where did you come up with the idea for TWISTED TRUTHS?
A: Well, in Deadly Silence, Denver was the quiet and wounded brother, so there had to be a reason. It made sense that he’d left the love of his life behind. So, for Twisted Truths, there had to be a really good reason Noni would hunt him down after he’d broken her heart. Her niece was kidnapped, which is a pretty good reason. The rest of the story unfolded from there.
Q: Do you have a favorite snack that you like to munch on while writing? If so would you mind sharing what it is with us?
A: I’m not much of a snacker, but I’ll have coffee or tea with me while writing. And always a glass of water. That doesn’t sound like much fun, but I have a Keurig latte machine, so the coffee is a little fancy.
Q: When you are not busy writing wonderful stories to keep us lucky readers entertained, what do you like to do? Do you have a hobby?
A: Fun question! I have two kids who are involved in several sports, so I’m usually at a game somewhere. Or in the summer, we go to the lake. I write there, but it’s very relaxed. And in the winter, we do go snowmobiling when we get the chance. But I write in the cabin there, too.
Q: Do you have a favorite background noise you like to having going while you write?
A: I have a music playlist for every book. Part of the fun of getting ready to write the next book is to create a new playlist, although I often reuse several songs from the last book. Then I’ll hear something on a television show or the radio and will add that song to the playlist.
A: I’m a little sad to have concluded this series, to be honest. This world was a fun one to play around in, and I’m going to miss it. As for what’s next? Hmmm. We’ll see about that.
But Denver isn't the only one watching that video. The deadly forces from his past see it too-and they'll use anything--and anyone--they can to lure Denver out of hiding to exact their revenge.
November 14, 2017
Trade paperback: $14.99
eBook: $5.99
ISBN: 978145559431
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eBook: $5.99
ISBN: 978145559431
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Slowly, numbly, she shrugged. “I knew you were dangerous and relentless in pursuing somebody,” she whispered. But a killer? Her search for him had held a romantic element, and she knew it. This guy was all edge—no romance. “Am I in danger?” Her voice quivered, but she had to know.
“Yes.” He didn’t move. Didn’t even seem to breathe.
She blinked. Rapidly. “From you?”
His eyes darkened. “No. The only thing I’m capable of breaking is your heart.”
Cold swam through her. The arrogance. “You think you broke my heart?”
His lip twisted. “I know I did.” His tone was low with what seemed like self-hatred. Dark and raw. “I’m sorry.”
Those words. She’d needed those words and hadn’t realized how badly. “Thank you,” she said, going on instinct. “Then how am I in danger?”
“I’m in danger, and anybody close to me is free game for an enemy who will keep coming until I’m dead. Until everything I care about, everything I dream about, is taken away and I want death.” He looked back down at the computer, intensity pouring from him.
Whoa. Okay. Denver didn’t have one bit of hysteria in him. His words scared her, but curiosity still rose up. “Who?”
“Irrelevant. As soon as we get Talia back, you have to forget me. Now. Back to Richie.”
She could live forever, and she’d never forget him. Not for one second had she been able to pretend he didn’t exist. But he was right. They had to find Talia, but he still needed to explain more. She had a right to know everything. “I have files on everything.” She threw her pack at Denver, and he easily caught it before it smashed him in the face.
He didn’t so much as frown. “Thank you.”
She swallowed. They were in the same room. After a year of hurting for him, he was right there in solid form. More than solid. She hadn’t imagined his hard body or intense charisma. He owned every room he walked into with no effort. She’d never met anybody like him, and here he was. Her body tingled, her heart ached, and her mind spun. Yeah. Denver was definitely there. “What now?” she asked, her eyes gritty and her throat scratchy.
“I’ll do some research.” Slowly, numbly, she shrugged. “I knew you were dangerous and relentless in pursuing somebody,” she whispered. But a killer? Her search for him had held a romantic element, and she knew it. This guy was all edge—no romance. “Am I in danger?” Her voice quivered, but she had to know.
“Yes.” He didn’t move. Didn’t even seem to breathe.
She blinked. Rapidly. “From you?”
His eyes darkened. “No. The only thing I’m capable of breaking is your heart.”
Cold swam through her. The arrogance. “You think you broke my heart?”
His lip twisted. “I know I did.” His tone was low with what seemed like self-hatred. Dark and raw. “I’m sorry.”
Those words. She’d needed those words and hadn’t realized how badly. “Thank you,” she said, going on instinct. “Then how am I in danger?”
“I’m in danger, and anybody close to me is free game for an enemy who will keep coming until I’m dead. Until everything I care about, everything I dream about, is taken away and I want death.” He looked back down at the computer, intensity pouring from him.
Whoa. Okay. Denver didn’t have one bit of hysteria in him. His words scared her, but curiosity still rose up. “Who?”
“Irrelevant. As soon as we get Talia back, you have to forget me. Now. Back to Richie.”
She could live forever, and she’d never forget him. Not for one second had she been able to pretend he didn’t exist. But he was right. They had to find Talia, but he still needed to explain more. She had a right to know everything. “I have files on everything.” She threw her pack at Denver, and he easily caught it before it smashed him in the face.
He didn’t so much as frown. “Thank you.”
She swallowed. They were in the same room. After a year of hurting for him, he was right there in solid form. More than solid. She hadn’t imagined his hard body or intense charisma. He owned every room he walked into with no effort. She’d never met anybody like him, and here he was. Her body tingled, her heart ached, and her mind spun. Yeah. Denver was definitely there. “What now?” she asked, her eyes gritty and her throat scratchy.
“I’ll do some research.”
Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five romantic suspense, dark paranormal, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestseller lists. She has received a Publisher's Weekly Starred Review for Wicked Edge, Romantic Times Reviewer Choice Nominations for Forgotten Sins and Sweet Revenge, and RT Top Picks for several of her novels. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat...and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off...and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out. Find Rebecca at:
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