Fans of Lorelei James’s Long Time Gone Cat Johnson’s Studs and Spurs series will love the sexy and suspenseful addition to the Deputy Laney Briggs series by Author Jodi Linton.
Crystal: Today I am so honored to host Jodi Linton. Welcome Jodi! I'm so happy to have you here today. Would you share a little bit about yourself with us today?
Jodi: I’m the author the Deputy Laney Briggs Series and the upcoming The Original Sinners Motorcycle Club Series with Entangled Publishing. But most days I’m a mother of two little kiddos going about my days in the big state of Texas.
Crystal: What are you currently working on?
Jodi: At the moment I’m currently gearing up to kick off my newest series The Original Sinners MC with Entangled Publishing. The first book in the series, REBEL LOVE, will release on January 11, 2016 followed by REBEL HEAT in early spring 2016.
Crystal: Where did you come up with the idea for for either your current release or your current WIP?
Jodi: did I create Laney Briggs? That’s a good question. I grew up in Texas, and when I decided to start the series I knew I wanted it be based in my home state. Plus, I enjoy a book with a good case so I thought it would be funny to put my heroine (Laney) up against her boyfriend (Gunner) in the same professional. Then why not throw in a tortured, past love, and mix that feisty relationship with a bunch of crazy townfolks? Well anything could happen, right? And heck, that’s how Pistol Rock, Laney Briggs, Gunner Wilson, Luke Wilson, and the whole gang came about.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite snack that like to munch on while writing? If so would you mind sharing what it is with us?
Jodi: Looking at a Swedish Fish junky gal right here.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite scene you would like to share with us?
Jodi: My all time favorite scene from my upcoming release is the poker strip club scene between Laney Briggs, Federal Marshal Colt Larsen, and her boyfriend, Texas Ranger Gunner Wilson. Enjoy! Oh, did I mention there’s a bunch of sexy cowboys in this book. ;)
Pretty Lawless: strip club scene:
An hour later, I was sporting a purple bra, a tight black miniskirt, and red high heels, which I’d snagged up on my way back inside as we passed by the stage. Colt, on the other hand, sat in a pair of white boxer briefs, black tube socks, and that damn Stetson hanging low on his head. I leaned into him. “You fucking suck at keeping a poker face.”
Colt shifted in his chair, eyes glued to his cards. “I’m using the reel-them-in tactic.”
“Oh my god,” I mock whispered, then smacked my cards down in front of me. “Read ’em and weep, boys. That there is a full house.”
Heated voices echoed among the small confines of the oblong wooden table, chairs scooted across the floor, jarring the table before chips spilled to the floor as Devon hunched over to spy the cards I’d sprawled out.
“Sorry, cupcake,” he said, the wickedness thickly coating his throaty rasp. “But I do believe you’re one step closer to shucking those lacy panties.” He tossed four aces into view.
Damn poker face.
Slowly, I stood on my own two feet and scrutinized the bastard. With nimble fingers, I pulled at the zipper on my skirt. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m more of the cotton Walmart bargain-bin kind of gal.” The zipper fell open an inch.
The lawman sitting at my side reached out and jerked at my arm, stopping me in mid-striptease. “Okay, this has gone a little too far,” he said, scanning the crowd of drooling onlookers. “Don’t y’all think, gentlemen?”
I nudged his hand away and got to work shimmying the skirt over my hips when the side door to Pokey’s burst open and my worst nightmare blurred into focus. There I was, under a set of very unflattering strobe lights, tits bobbing for air in my tiny lace bra and ass hanging out of my miniskirt, looking like a tarty, sex-starved girl in a B-movie slasher flick.
And then everything bottomed out at the sound of that all too familiar male voice shouting, “Texas Rangers. Everyone show me your hands.”
Fuck a cow. So I did the only plausible thing left to do and dropped on all fours. Crab crawling about the floor, cigarette butts stuck to my kneecaps and cocktail straws jabbed me in the wrists. Not to mention I had a tail. The brim of that panty-dropping cowboy’s hat grazed my bare thighs. My head bumped into the edge of a table, and then something cold tapped my behind. “I’d suggest you remove that hand from my girlfriend’s ass…or I can just break it off. Your choice, cowboy.”
I tilted my head back, locking in on that black rattlesnake tattoo bursting from the vein of a ripped tan arm indolently draped next to my head. To say I was shell-shocked didn’t even come close. He had a hip braced against the table leg, and he had his bullheaded cowboy face on. Wonderful—the man had impeccable timing.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop hitting up the strip clubs, Gunner Wilson?”
My hunky, headache-inducing Texas Ranger knelt down beside my behind. He pushed the black cowboy hat up, the devilish glint in his brown eyes brightening as he responded, “I hope they tipped you well, sweetheart.”
Crystal: When you are not busy writing wonderful stories to keep us lucky readers entertained, what do you like to do? Do you have a hobby?
Jodi: I’m a book nerd in my spare time. One of my favorite books as of late was Gone Girl. I dig a good mind twist.
Crystal: Do you have a favorite background noise you like to having going while you write (TV, Music, kids playing)?
Jodi: When I write I always have to listen to music due to the fact I have no office. I do most of my writing in the living room chair while the kids are running amuck.
Crystal: Thanks for visiting. It has been a pleasure having you visit today. Is there anything else you would like to share with us today?
Jodi: My Achilles heel is an ice-cold beer and take-out food. Just saying.
Thanks for having me on Crystal. Talk to y’all soon!

Gunner was planning to propose, and it all went to hell. Now he's boots-deep into an investigation with ties to the Dirty Southern Mafia and corrupt cops. Yep, Laney is definitely gonna have his hide. Especially when she finds out just how much he's been keeping from her…
But Laney has a weakness for Gunner's delectable cowboy hotness. And for him, she will break every rule in the book—including the ones she's sworn to uphold.
See where the sparks began to fly with book 1 of the Deputy Laney Briggs series, Pretty Reckless.
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“You could say that,” I bit out when her finger flicked across the top of my dick. “You can do that all day.” She laughed, the girly sound making me wish we could hole ourselves up inside the motel and never leave again. “God, I want you so bad. So damn bad.”
Hey, I won’t lie. I’d been waiting to hear those words fall from her luscious lips all evening. But, fuck me. Something felt seriously off. I’d known Laney way before stealing her V-card, and she didn’t have a single begging bone in that slick little tight body of hers.
She moved back and forth and smiled up at me. “Like the first time.” And…bam, there was the elephant in the room. Small hands wrapped around the base of my dick and glided up and down in a firm stroke.
Way to hit below the belt buckle. To this day I hated how I’d taken Laney’s virginity. Reckless screwing could only be the way to describe that Fourth of July night. Shameful. She’d deserved so much more than a few hard thrusts given by a horny teenage boy more concerned with not shooting a load off in his pants. Over the years, I’d tried to right that wrong. Though the knowledge wasn’t wasted on me that I might’ve done a crappy job on fixing past mistakes, since at the moment my naked ass was sprawled out in a tiny motel bathtub while Laney used one of my most shitty moments against me.
I grinned. “That boy was a prick.”
She looked disappointed. “And the man’s so much better?”
The pang in my chest burst wide open at her coldhearted remark. But hell, I figured it’d been coming.
“He’s trying to turn a new leaf.”
About Jodi Linton:

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