Just a Dream is a wonderful friends turn lovers story that also has a touch of drama and intrigue that kept me turning the pages quickly.
Raphael has always had deep feelings for his friend James. However he was afraid if he told James of his feeling it would ruin their friendship and perhaps get him in trouble. In this time frame same sex relationship were not only frowned upon, they were hanged for their feelings. WOW, I'm so glad as a society things have changed. I still think we have a way to go but I'm really glad that people are no punished so drastically and harshly for their feelings.
James too had feelings for Rafe but he was also afraid that telling him would ruin their friendship. When these two do finally confess their feelings things get a little on the steamy side. I always enjoy stories about friends that discover they have deeper feelings for each other. I love that they already share a deep connection and finding their love for each other just increases the bond that much more.
I don't want to tell you too much about the storyline, but there is a little bit of mystery to the storyline that I found interesting. I liked how the Hunt Club members step up to help Rafe solve the mystery.
Overall, this was just a great book and I can not wait to read the first three books in the series. I had no problem at all reading this book as a stand alone. So if you have not had the chance to read the other books in this series don't let that stop you. I don't think you would have any problem at all reading this as a stand alone either. However after reading this book, I know I want to read more.
As some of you may know Heather Boyd quickly became one of my favorite authors. I just love her work and honestly I just can not get enough. I will be anxiously awaiting her next release whether it is a historical romance or a male/male historical romance.
If you enjoy historical romances and male/male romance I think you should give this one a try. I think you will enjoy it.
I received the opportunity to read this book so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on Just a Dream.
You may find more of my reviews of Heather Boyd's work here....
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Looks like an intriguing read...I hadn't realized this author wrote m/m as well. Thanks for the review!