Finally finding a home in Montana, Abby Johnson is the happiest she’s ever been working at the diner and spending time with the one person who’s shown her that good men exist. When her past catches up with her, Abby will have to trust the man she’s grown to care for to keep her safe, or she’ll risk losing everything.
Will her secret push John away or will Abby realize that love is always worth fighting for?
Release Date: April 22, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Cowboy Romance
Cover Designer: Claire Smith
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
“I have to agree with Cole. From what I’ve seen these last few months, you do spend a lot of time locked away in there.” Her voice sent shivers down his spine. For such a little woman, she sure did have a big impact on his body and his heart. He turned his head and looked up at her. God, she was so beautiful smiling down at him.
“See, women are always right. Listen to Abby if you won’t listen to us.” Nick winked at Abby, and John fought the urge to punch his brother. The more time he spent with her, the more he found himself protective of her. He knew his brother wouldn’t make a move on Abby, but he couldn’t control the urge to knock out every man who looked at her.
“What did I just get in the middle of?” She looked so adorable between the four of them, smiling and slightly confused.
He just shook his head. “Nothing important. How are you?” he asked, hoping to change the subject before his brothers took it upon themselves to embarrass him.
She pushed a stray strand of her hair back behind her ear, and he couldn’t tear his eyes away. “I’m okay. How are you?”
“Busy, but good. Nothing to complain about.” It was the truth. Life was good. It hadn’t always been like that. Like every other family who depended on ranching, rough times were part of the deal. To run a ranch was an unpredictable business, and in the blink of an eye, it could all disappear. But at that moment, they were doing well and diversifying their revenue sources. He couldn’t ask for more.
“Good. So, are you guys having your usual?” One thing about small towns, everyone knew everything, including your food order.
“We are men of habit after all.” Nick charmed his way into the conversation.
She smiled at them, and God, John swore the gates to heaven opened. “All right, I’ll put the order in. Drew, I’ll tell Amanda you’re here. She’s been waiting for you.”
The smile on his brother’s face at the mention of his wife’s name could only be described as that of a man in love. “She can’t get enough of me. Thanks, darling.”
John looked up at Abby. “What time does your shift end?”
“Around three.” She was still so shy around him, and he loved it. It meant he had to work extra hard to get through her barriers, and if he was good at one thing, working hard was it.
“I’ll pick you up, and we can go look at those bed frames if you want.” He chose to ignore Nick’s snickering.
“That sounds perfect, thank you, John.” Every time someone asked him why he spent so much time with Abby, he wished they could see her face this very moment. That look was why he did it. He nodded silently and watched her leave, unable to tear his eyes away. Abby had curves in all right the places, and her hips had featured in more than one fantasy.
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About the Author:

Born and raised in Canada by a working single mom and a loving grandmother, Kaithlin surrounded herself with novels by Danielle Steele and Nora Roberts provided by her grandmother. Kaithlin quickly fell in love with reading. It was in high school, thanks to an English teacher, that Kaithlin wrote her first story (although if you ask for it, she will deny ever writing it) about a popular boy band. Inspired by constructive criticism, Kaithlin spent some time developing her love affair with words through more reading than someone would think possible.
After pursuing a higher education, Kaithlin sat down with a pen and paper and decided to give writing a shot. With no false hope in mind, her first novel, Make Me Whole, slowly came to life. Putting fear and doubt aside, Kaithlin has published five books to date, and has eleven more set to be published in the next two years.
Fueled by coffee and a wild imagination, Kaithlin spends her days working her day job (we’ll leave you wondering) and her nights writing love stories with a little side of sexiness.
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