![On Second Thought by [Higgins, Kristan]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51cqtFSTaiL.jpg)
Ainsley O'Leary a smart and sweet lady that has her life planned out. Just when she thinks she has her path in life paved out things go off road. She suffers through issues at work and then her boyfriend has a new vision of life and it doesn't include her.
Kate and Nathan had a whirl wind romance and marriage. She's still adjusting to being married when a freak accident makes her a widow. Kate is suffering a mass of emotions. She's devastated by the loss of her new husband, she's questioning aspects within her marriage, and dealing with family issues both her own and her in-laws.
The family dynamics in the O'Leary family have always been a bit strained. There is an interesting story that sets up the background of the sisters and explains why Ainsley and Kate have never been the closest of sisters. They found the support in comfort that they so needed in each other. When the chips are down and times are tough they have each other's backs.
I think I bonded with Kate first because of her loss. Ms. Higgins has done a great job showing the emotions that a grieving widow goes through. Poor Kate was newly married and didn't have that strong basis of years spent together to give her all the wonderful memories to help her get through her loss.
I wanted to reach out and slap Eric a few times. I cheered for Ainsley and was thrilled when she was able to give Eric a piece of her mind.
There is romance in the story but I don't want to give anything away. I'll let you read Kate and Ainsley's story so you can enjoy their story as much as I did.
Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this book and found myself completely engrossed in the story right away. The characters are well written and easy to bond with. The story line was full of little twist that had me intensely flipping the pages to see what might happened next.
I was given the opportunity to read this marvelous book and it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you.
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Thanks for the lovely review! Sounds like a compelling story.