Walker is wanted by the police and is on the run. He find some really interesting ways of passing messages to Reagan. Of course as usual, Reagan doesn't always stay away from the places and people Walker says she should.
I loved Reagan having a good time driving around in Walker Boone's '57 Chevy. As usual she gets herself in a little trouble. OK. A Whole lot of trouble with the car.
Reagan has a few problems of her own and she has to find out how to clear Walker Boone's name. She has a lot to take care of. She also finds herself in a lot of sticky situations that leads to some drama and suspense. It's a really good thing she thinks fast on her feet or bad things could happen to this girl. I adore Reagan, she has such a fun personality and is a lot of fun to read about.
Reagan and Walker both have some great friends who are not afraid to get in a little mischief to help out. I adored Mercedes. I have a feeling this woman would be fun to hang out with. She has some really interesting jobs and ends up in some really interesting situations.
I don't want to tell you too much about the story. I don't want to spoil it for you. I will tell you that I really enjoyed the story line. I was surprised by the actual killer. I didn't really see that one coming at all. Ms. Brown did a great job of not revealing too much information until the end.
Overall this book contains plenty of drama, suspense, a murder, a whole lot of suspects, humor, and even a little romance. What more could I ask for in a book? Not much! Duffy Brown does a fabulous job of fulfilling my cozy mystery cravings.
It would be helpful to have read Dead Man Walker before reading Demise in Denim. I think you could read Demise in Denim as a stand alone if you haven't read Dead Man Walker. I did have the chance to read both and I loved them both.
I have to say I hope there is more to this series. I want to know what happened to the two gentleman. I would love another visit with Reagan, Walker, Aunt Kiki, BW, and the whole gang. Duffy Brown has done an excellent job of creating the characters in this series. They feel like old friends by now and I will be anxious to see what happens next in their lives.
I was given the opportunity to read Demise in Denim so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on this awesome cozy mystery.
You may find more of my reviews on Duffy Brown's work here....
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