Noah Scott is feeling lost. He has just found out the people he thought were his cousin are really his siblings. He doesn't know for sure who he can trust. Noah has a lot going on in his life and a lot of adjusting to do. Then bad things start happening to people he cares about. Now he also has to try to keep the ladies in his life safe.
Rachel Blackstone's relationship with Noah started out as a ruse to help her friends make sure Noah was not up to something. However the more time she spends with Noah the closer their relationship grows and feelings start to form along with a strong attraction.
Noah and Rachel have a lot of obstacles to overcome if they are going to be able to make a relationship work. They must find out if that attraction they feel is strong enough to over come all the problems that keep cropping up.
Rachel finds herself in danger several times. She's not sure who would want to hurt her but someone is out to get her. Rachel is a lot stronger then some give her credit for. I really liked Rachel right away. She's a brave lady to deal with everything she faces.
This book is full of drama, suspense, romance and a little bit of steam. I found myself flipping pages quickly so I could find out what dangerous thing was going to happen next and to whom. I also could not wait to see who might want to hurt the women in Noah's life and why.
I really enjoyed this book and could not put it down. Like I said I finished this book in one setting because I was so captivated I needed to keep reading. Elle James has done a great job of adding just the right amount of suspense and drama as well as a nice romance that is also full of drama. I just adore her writing style. She is very talented and is one of my very favorite authors for a romantic suspense story.
I have not read any of the other stories in The Adair Affairs series but I didn't have any trouble reading this as a stand alone. So if you want to just grab Elle James' contribution to the series I don't think you will have any trouble reading it as a stand alone either.
If you are an Elle James fan like me, you are in for some great books. She has some great releases the last few months. I am in my glory with great books and I think you will be too.
I was given the opportunity to read Heir to Murder so that I may share my thoughts with you. As always it has been my great pleasure to share my thoughts with you on this great book.
You may find more of my reviews on Elle James' work here.
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